Hey all,
Did anyone back the Recess kickstarter last year and pick the Nickel Joyride tier?
There was a ton of delays with it (which was to be expected all things considered) but last we heard from Tyler was in August. He said the joyrides just needed to be nickel plated then they were good to go.
Just wanted to see if anyone knew of any updates on this? maybe I’ve missed a post or an email about it
pretty good. you don’t get finger prints like you do with a copper finish. but usually goes a dark gun metal over time. you can polish back to its original state as well but I’ve not tried that before. also the ones i do have seem to be able to take a hit without any marks haha
Not to distract from the joyrides but did anyone ever get their dragon fruit first base from the same campaign? Mine never showed up and my messages to Tyler have gone unread…
yeah I got an email saying that all of the nickel plated joyrides have came out as B-grade. Tyler was asking people if they wanted a refund or if they were happy to have a B-grade and he would refund half of your pledge as well. I decided to go for the B-grade, I’ve already waited over a year for this kickstarter, I can’t quit now haha
I assume the joyrides are in the mail but communication hasn’t been very regular unfortunately
For what little it’s worth — My assumption is that he was going through the list and noting preference based on email reply before committing to quantity or plan of action such as mailing them out. I personally don’t expect to see anything till Feb or March of 2022 (setting bar low for myself).
I gave up and bought a couple dino egg first bases as I didn’t want to wait for that to ship with the nickel joyride or end up risking getting cancelled entirely…
yeah totally agree. There was no hint at shipping any time soon and even if there was I’m in the UK so there’s no way I’m getting the parcel before the year is up haha
I just went for the nickel on the kickstarter and then when the Dinos came out like 6 months later I just pick one up from another shop not from recess. They seem to make some great yoyos but I think in the future I wont deal with them directly. The more I went looking for info on kickstarter updates the more posts I saw about people having trouble dealing with recess directly. So it seems like a regular thing and not just a kickstarter problem
Yeah the waiting is what is the most frustrating. I would have probably picked up a Joyride 3 already if I wasn’t waiting for my Nickel. I’ve experienced the same pain with my YWETs.