Today i was waiting on a package from YoYoE, but as soon as i opened the mail box and picked up the package i see this sticker on the front of the package.
and the person that opened the box helped themselves to
Chik in dragon slayer x1
a bunch of strings
some response pads
bearings x2
and then took the time to put the sticker pack and card with the card list on it and the invoice back in the box then taped it up
this really makes me not like USPS the prices keep going up when the quality is consistently going down.
But a quick call to Andre and a few photos later He took good care of me! Hands down a really great guy, so Thank you Andre you had a good customer prior to this but your customer service and great communication really locked me in as a buyer i dont care if prices are less elsewhere you will always get my money, so thank you again for standing behind your products even when it was clearly the shipping companies fault!
I wish more businesses really took care of their customers like those in the yoyo community.
yes Andre took care of me! and i did flip out, i wanted to puke and cry it was horrible i felt like a little kid and someone had knocked my icecream cone on the ground then stomped me out in the icecream pile.
Andre is a top notch fella in my book and he has a customer for as long as i can buy and throw a yoyo and i will tell everyone i know to look to him and his crew for purchases as well! i will be a word of mouth billboard for him!
Dude that sucks sooo much. Who ever stole your stuff probably saw the invoice and saw how expensive the items were. Your post just makes me USPS, they should’ve put your stuff back into the box instead of just keeping the expensive stuff. That’s just stealing and it’s illegal.
Yye is so friggin’ awesome. They have the best customer service and they respond really quickly. Andre took a chance creating yye, but it turned out all okay. If your reading this Andre, Thanks for creating such a great place for people to talk and buy yoyos!
I agree im so thankful Andre created YoYoE and the forums and has done all the videos, im so blessed with all the info and people i’ve met on the forum! this is a really great place! thanks for all you do for the community Andre!
I’ve received many orders from YYE, because I’ve placed many orders. Most months have one order. August might not, but that’s a different issue.
I’ve seen how YYE packages their orders. They tape it to ensure the box stays closed. What I will say is this:
1: YYE uses distinctive tape. Most throwers will recognize the logo.
2: Therefore, while they may not know exactly what’s inside, they have a reasonable idea of the kind of stuff that could be in there.
3: I’m fairly convinced this was intentional.
I don’t think YYE puts an invoice in the box but rather a packing slip, showing the contents/order for the box. I’d have to check my past orders, which won’t be difficult to do since I have so many of them!
Here’s what sucks:
It sucks that you lost out. It sucks that some dirtbag is cashing in. While it’s cool that YYE is covering your loss(I think paypal may have something to do with compensating somewhere along the line if you paid that way), YYE is maybe taking a loss for this.
YYE does have and continues to have excellent world class customer service. It’s no surprise that you were taken care of. I’d have expected nothing less. My issues have always been trivial compared to what you just had to go through, and they’ve still taken care of it.The story has a happy ending. Let’s hope your next box arrives intact!
YoyoExpert should not have had to cover the losses. When you pay to get your package shipped by USPS, you are paying for a service. USPS has an obligation to pay for damaged/loss packages, insurance purchased or not. If I were you, I would march straight down to the Post Office and give them a piece of my mind.
I’d contact the main hub in your town/city and talk to some higher-up. It may not get you anywhere but at least you could let them know there is a thief running a muck.