Razor scooters making a yoyo?!?

Extremely well said.

ratfacedudeguy that made me tear up. :’(

thia man has it right! if you guys over at razor need any help just get in contact with the people on here!! we’re always willing to help!! :slight_smile:

I must say that that post owned. And it’s very true too. I, as well as many others, were very very skeptical of this whole thing and thought it a joke, but I’m starting to see the other side of it and am really looking forward to the day this stuff comes out.

These things couldn’t be too bad either. Yoyos aren’t too different from, say, scooter wheels, but obviously wider and stretched or whatever. Can’t wait. :smiley:

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razor isn’t ‘joey’s company’; not in the way that duncan is ‘brandon’s company’ or yyf is ‘ben’s company’ (both of those guys have significant or total control over the products released). razor put out an all-call last year for non-sponsored yo-yoers who wanted to apply for their marketing engine. don’t get me wrong - i’m glad that they want to have a yo-yoer associated with them, but unless joey (and preferably other yo-yoers as well) have real input into the direction of their products/quality… it’s all hot air. i’m sure joey can speak to the level of input he’s got with the company.

forgive me for being cynical, but to my mind, this isn’t at all the same as helping a 12-year-old learn to bind. this is a corporation with the ability to release HUGE volumes of product to be accessed by beginning yo-yoers. i’m not going to watch the flood of product followed by immediate vanishing-act that some companies pulled a decade ago without complaining. they’re a corporation, and don’t NEED us to teach them ‘how to bind’. whether or not they even WANT the input of yo-yo players has yet to be determined. they have the capacity to inundate the market with inexpensive yo-yo’s and make a boatload of cash WITHOUT our input. let’s see if that’s their aim, or if they actually want in on what we’re doing.

all i’ve said the entire time is ‘let’s see what they do’. if they release REAL, CONSISTENT, INEXPENSIVE yo-yo’s that are meant to introduce kids to progressive play… and if they back that product up with GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE and a legit team that INTERACTS WITH THE COMMUNITY… and if they SPONSOR EVENTS and demonstrate that they’re invested in making yo-yoing sustainably popular (as opposed to fueling a ‘boom’ with a flood of junk product)… then they absolutely ought to be embraced. THAT’S what we get from the companies sold at yoyoexpert. THAT’S what we expect from the companies affiliated with our community. anything less than that LOWERS the standard of our expectations, and those companies should be not receive our support.

the leverage a company like this has to exert over other companies who have done the leg-work over the last 10 years is enormous. the fact that the money they can throw at yo-yoing for a few months has the capacity to take away from a company like YYF or YYJ, which has been in the trenches developing awesome entry-level product for years, is alarming. if they do it up right, i’ll congratulate them… but so far i haven’t seen a shred of evidence of product, or any presence in the community besides the yo-yoer they hired via casting call.

a lot of you guys seem to assume that a ‘boom’ is good for yo-yoing. that a million $15 metals is good for yo-yoing. but in truth, we want to escape the nuclear cycle of boom and bust. we want to see companies that work WITH yo-yoers to generate sustainable, managed growth and consistent, high quality product at all levels. let’s see what happens. let’s see what they do.

i’ll shut up about it now. in a few months i’ll say ‘wow! way to go razor! i’m surprised and excited!’ … or i’ll say ‘that sucks. figures. par for the course.’


Ed’s post pretty much sums it up. We can’t really make any correct judgments until we see what they do.

As of right now, I have direct contact with designers, so myself and our team manager, Mark Vargas, do have a say in what will be released. The first line of yoyos being released in March were already made before I was associated with Razor, so those are what they decided to put out. In the future, however, the yoyo’s will be approved by me and Mark.

Also, like I mentioned before, I am working on a personal design, and hoping to release many more very soon. We have 2 prototypes which are already in the works. The people who have played these had a hard time putting them down.

de ja vous?

Joey you are a good kid. I don’t know why you keep putting yourself up as the target and getting yourself as the face of something you have no control over.

Work hard, do your thing. Look out for yourself.

so there are actually three possible outcomes of Razor making cheap metals. the first two are previously stated as the “good job and welcome to the community” and the “shame on you for taking our beautiful hobby and trying to grab as much money as you can before you book it.” the other one was talked about a little. it is the “you make metals so cheap that they run out the competition.” i have to say that this last one could in fact END the boom to come, but i hope it doesn’t come to that, and i doubt it will. most people here are too loyal to their favorite companies. i won’t find a good $15 dollar metal and choose it over my P2 or 5star, unless it is so amazing that my eyes roll back in my head and i have a stroke out of pure awesomeness (which is almost the reaction to my two babies). So Razor, i have some words of advice that will help not make the last scenario true: if your yoyos truely own all possible compitition, than do one of a few things.

SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Rase the price a little. you will made more of a profit if they are so good, i wouldn’t mind paying at least $80 for. you may make a big profit, plus the other companies may still have buisiness.

The second option is to not make it SUPER available. i am pretty sure that the only reason why most throwers don’t have a hatrick is either the price or the availability.

i doubt you will have to use these tips but i just don’t want to see other companies fall to Razor. so these are just in case.

What if the yoyos are Mighty Flea/Big Deal size, its less alumimum so less expensive.

Right now alluminum cost 1 dollar a pound, they are ripping us off.

Mr.Yo you are completely wrong, the Mosquito is Cheap and Widley Avaliable and they don’t put out the Other Companies. we are only people who buy yoyos from them. So, a bunch of wanna be throwers won’t effect their bussiness. Unless we all drop our YYFs and 1Drops and General Yos, to buy razor yoyos. their buisness won’t change.

Who is ripping us off?

there is a flaw with your logic Theyoster. i said only if the yoyo is super awesomeness epictrocity… cool thing. Mosquito is not exactly known for spin time, or grinds, or really anything but a good beginer yoyo.

i am saying only if they make afordable metal yoyos for beginers and for experts, then they may drive people out of buisness. and i am not saying they are. this is purely worst case scenario.

Yeah, and designing it, machining it, anodizing it, and finishing it doesn’t add to the price at ALL. Heck, all the yoyos out here play just as good as blocks of aluminum. Those yoyo companies suck. /sarcasm.

LolZ! Dont forget things yoyo companies do like sponser comps and have great customer service… Lame-os

OMG, I know what you are saying. I do a trick, and they ask, how much did that cost?

Me: About 50 dollars.

Them: :o you spend 50 DOLLARS on a YOYO? :o

Me: Yes :slight_smile:

I am skeptical of Razor’s yo-yos. I think they are simply jumping on board of what is coming back, looking to make profit, not satisfied customers.

15 dollar aluminum grade yo-yo?

You get what you pay for. Remember that.

I beleive they said and I quote “High Quality Aircraft Aluminum” I high doubt that thats what they are made of. But, I could be wrong. Who know until they comeout at the End of March.

Me thinks that aircraft would crash and burn.

Positive: This may interest more manufacturers interested in making half decent ones!

I would Love to see a yoyo store open where I live…

That’s not gonna happen, though.

I know right? I have to drive for 3 hours to get to the nearest major store.