Quirks and Signatures!

Gentry bites his bottom lip when focusing

This is a really great topic inspecting on players and their little habits on and off stage. OP, you get a high five from me. Here is some that I know…

-Ed Haponiks sticking his tongue out when concentrating on a trick. Done it in multiple videos.

-My way of recieving a yoyo…I tend to look like I pose, its weird.

-Tyler uses the string on his index finger instead of middle.

-Tyler, Paul Dang, and others tend to sing to their music on stage.
Paul Dang however shows more expression to his face when he sings, lol.

-Mickey’s constant use of flashy clothes on stage. Intense flash.

-Shinya Kido’s super smile. Its just…so…smiley…

-Yuuki Spencer hand wave to the crowd.

-Yuuki Spencers “Tip toe” movement on stage.

-John Narums outfit change to each division he goes in.

-Alex Berenguels famous speed to slow-mo playstyle. Its frantic, its awesome.

-Clint Armstrongs finger bending in a cocky awesome manner.

-Harold’s rigid almost locked stage presence, relaxed and controlled.

-John Narums hat use when it came to 4a.

-Yoyofactory players (tyler, Gacek and Yuuki spencer come to mind) doing the Illuminati symbol. Same for Mickey.

-Mickey’s gloves. Which is why he got the nickname in the first place.

-Doctor Popular always being “zany” on stage. Made tricks based of dance movements like “The Robot” aha. Good times.

-A trait held by many yoyoers: Knee bending.

Thats about all I know. There is quite a bit as each yoyoer has a completely different type of personality and approach to yoyoing. I could also name off all the signature type of tricks yoyoers tend to use as if its a “signature”.

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Ah, so THAT’S where it came from. I couldn’t figure out how people got ‘Mickey’ out of Hiroyuki! :smiley:

Hasn’t Mickey been his nickname for a long long time too, a bit unrelated to the Disney character? I don’t know…

Augie Fash’s Hulk Hogan pose!

Paul Han’s mouth dangles open when doing concentrating and holds a “wait a moment” finger before a guillotine.

You forgot the most important part on Mark; after catching/before rethrowing the quick nose brush with his thumb.

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Mickey has had that nickname for a long time, but he’s also been wearing the gloves for a long time.

Rei Iwakura has a lot of flashy hand gestures like the one kuyaChristian mentioned, and also smiling at and generally acknowledging the audience a lot during performances.

Naoto Okada has his red bow tie the last few years, along with a black or mostly black outfit. He also has highly choreographed routines with some dance elements included between throws.

Of course Black with his black outfits.

Ricardo Marechal freestyles barefoot.

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Seeing his style, I can understand why he needs to!

Bryan Figueroa marches around a lot to gather his composure

i always make a star at the end

Most of the 2A players back in the late 1990’s boom walk around and back up a lot while playing :]