Quiet bearings

So my banshee is that quiet. Fortunstely its a splash colorway so i have a visual que for how fast its spinning. Otherwise i can see how that might be a problem

update. Got my NSK bearings today. They have massively improved the sound on my noisey throws. Are they the quietest throws in my collection? No. But they are good enough - by a lot. What i have noticed is all three of the bearings i recieved act the exact same which speaks to the quality control and consistency of these bearings. Thanks for all your input. Im sure the wife would thank y’all too.


Thank you for the update. Will give them a try.

Edit: 20 DOLLARS?! I get ear plugs at work for free. My wife can use those.


Lol. I hear that… See what i did there? They are not cheap but i highly value what they are doing for me. Its up to you to decide if they are worth it.

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update 2. Just got a Dif-e-Yo bearing. This one is actually quieter than both the nsk. The nsk do seem to spin longer though.

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I use to only buy def-e-yo. They are consistently good but I would say 1 out of ever 3or4 were pretty noisy. I only stopped because I realized most stock bearings are fine. Not that they aren’t worth the money.

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Yes yes yes im struggling with this as well, i cant seem to find the common denominator associated with quiet bearings versus loud bearings. I recently bought three nsk bearings and all three of them make noise when I use them. Ppl say" you fotta just keep playing with wm and they will quiet down". The problem with that is, im not sure thats the case. Ive have been throwing them constantly since i bought them and nothing seems to quiet them down. I even tried bearing lube. Nothing. NSK bearings have a huge hype( and are very good functionally speaking) but the 3 i bought are loud.

My G2 and One Drop bearings are the most quiet I have, currently. I feel like it’s crap shoot, though.

Atmos bearings are still my favourite, its funny because they include NSK bearings with their more premium yoyos. I run them dry but they stay smooth and quiet. As a bonus they can be pulled off by hand on the same yoyos that I would previously need to use a bearing tool with.


If you want quiet bearings use a fat drop of lube. They’ll be responsive for a bit but play them until they go back to unresponsive and they’ll be quiet. Sometimes just play through a loud bearing and it’ll quiet itself down also. But uh lube helps a lot ime.

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I don’t trust silent bearings.

It’s always the quiet ones you have to worry about… :eyes: shifty muthas

No need to play them down actually. I let them on a piece of kitchen paper for a few minutes, then put them on my bearing removal tool and use some canned air spray to make them spin as fast as possible.

After that, the yoyo is not responsive and if it is, after 5 minutes MAX, it becomes unresponsive.

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Yeah that’s probably a better plan lol! I don’t have any canned air but maybe I’ll pick some up to try it!

@codinghorror refers to that as the “Hyper Spin” method

Lol i hear ya, it can bite ya for sure. But i cant stand the loud ringing of some of these bearings. Drives me up a wall lol

Here a quick question for everyone…Ive heard of the buddah brand of bearings, are they really good or what? Whats your guy opinion on the ? Also the buddah “double double” is that basically the “NSK yoyo double straight”? Except i noticed the buddah has 10 ball and the nsk only has 8ball. Ive been shopping around and buying all kinds of bearings to try and find the best quality as far as function and quietness. Any thoughts of buddah?..