Question about the Eminence by Empathy

I pretty much glance at the forum every day or so. Obviously, there are so many excellent yo-yos for sale nowadays, we can’t buy them all or try them all or even hear about all of them.

One running thread is about What are you throwing today?

And another is about What did you get in the mail today?


No doubt if ‘everybody posted every single yo-yo related movement they made, you could scroll for miles to see the posts, lol

So, mostly, I read what there is to read and don’t give much thought about people just don’t mention.

But now and then, I get a yo-yo in the mail that just plays like a Beast(at my level) and makes me wonder why nobody else even mentions it: or, there seems to be little interest in buying them to the point of ‘Sold out’?

When the Eminence posted up for sale, I just checked it out like any other Newly released yoyo. Don’t remember offhand what amount of time had passed after they dropped, but I went back to see the stock count and there was 1 purple Eminence left. I decided that I would wait till the next day and if there was still 1 purple one left, I would buy it.

I zeroed out the purples and there were still about 8 or nine greens and 8 or 9 pinks. That’s been a few weeks, maybe a month or ?

I checked the count in the YYE store and there are still plenty of the greens and pinks for sale.

I know that $140 certainly chump change. Especially since there are very good yo-yos at All price points, currently.

So, what I know so far about this yo-yo, is that about 9 other people have purchased the purple option and maybe 5 or 6 people have purchased the other 2 color options. And besides me mentioning about it in this post, I haven’t seen anybody else say anything about it?

Has anybody else thrown this yoyo and formed any opinions about it?

Just curious….


Without be flamed by the forum, there are so many yoyos that are absolutely amazing and you do not see them talked here enough or even talked at all, I think is why mostly and largely the forum community has other preferences generally in terms of yoyos, mostly is organic or thinline or similar stuff, nothing bad about it but as you can see around even yoyos like W1ld or idk even UNPRLD are not discussed enough (and they are mad popular around instagram and trick circle community).

Mostly I think because there is no major interest in here, maybe is the general age or style of play or whatever, but it is what it is there is no much interest for competition yoyos here.

I did tried most of the Empathy yoyos (do not own even one sadly, too expensive for my pockets) and are pretty much all amazing yoyos, would love to try the new one, the “noir” the shape seems amazing and I love the whole design


Couple of possible reasons something like that isn’t mentioned a lot yet.

  1. It’s not one of the “big” names. Or one of the “Hype” names at this time.

  2. There’s a LOT of releases and I think most people simply don’t have the budget

  3. Like you said…it’s not exactly chump change to spend on a (to most people) relatively unknown brand.

  4. Their marketing might just not “click” with the general public.

  5. Euro companies usually have a harder time with the American buying public it seems.

  6. many other possible reasons.


I think it’s mostly a matter of money being tight, there being too many yoyos and the drop timing. Japanese and US nationals both happened near the worldwide release of the Eminence and both contests promised early releases of various yoyos from bigger brands. Still, Empathy seems pretty popular, their team is stacked and even on this forum I’ve seen praise for the physix, apathy and empath.

When I had some yoyo money in my pocket the Eminence was definitely on my radar (love a brown yoyo). However, there were other releases that were just a bit more novel and I already have some yoyos in the same class.


I think this is a big reason, but for multiple factors.

For the more casual yoyo crowd, like you said, this kind of timing date means there’s a bunch of exciting stuff to expect being released within the very near future. So people are saving their money for more potentially exciting releases coming up soon, as opposed to buying a very standard (but very good) competition yoyo for 140 dollars right now.

But for the competitive crowd, this is also the absolute worst time to want to be looking for a new competition yoyo. People wanna compete with the yoyos they’ve been practicing with for months already, so people aren’t going to be looking at new yoyos to switch to instead, right before nationals/worlds.

But also just like Alberto said, the forums aren’t currently a place with discussion about what current competition yoyos people are using or considering switching to. Which is fine, that discussion is just now on other places on the internet. Competition players are mostly on discord/social media/group chats now. Not the YYE forums.

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It’s a great yoyo, very similar to the southside tho.

I don’t usually have much to say about a yoyo, just that I like it or not. I get the feeling most people might be more like me in that way?

I personally have been collecting all their yoyos in that shiny pink color, and will be getting the Noir when it comes out in that color too (confirmed with them that it would be)(of course the apathy didn’t release in pink :worried:, have that in black)

All I have is praise for their yoyos, I think the empath and apathy are my favorites.