Public Access interview with Don Duncan circa 1994

The short version: Magic Mouse Magazine was a public access program that ran out of Tucson Arizona. The showrunner and host, Cockyboo the clown, is Harvey “Job” Matusow, whose life is way too complicated to relate here. He has a Wikipedia page if you’d like an introduction.

I’ve digitized a lot of Matusow’s work, including this short interview with Don Duncan and yo-yo demonstration, and it occurred to me that it might be of interest to the community here.

In another episode, there’s footage of Dale Myrberg giving a demonstration at a school. I’ll add that when I find it.


Good News: The whole half-hour demonstration is here.
Bad News: The video is overexposed. I’ll see if I can get an improved capture from the VHS in the next week or two, but here’s what I have at the moment:


This is incredible, I love seeing stuff like this. What process do you use to scan the VHS? I used to work at a local photo shop and always got really happy to see old videos come through.

Right now it’s just a simple Elgato composite video capture attached to a Sony S-VHS deck that I’m borrowing from the college media center. I’m still looking into better options. These are clipped from a few marathon sessions I did a few years ago, capturing 40+ hours of material. I think that’s all the yoyo material. There’s also a lot of juggling and some early performances from the physical theatre performer Wolfe Bowart.

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Can anyone identify the demonstrators in the Don Duncan Jr. interview video? I assume they would have been with Playmaxx?