Predatory False Advertising

Bro that’s predatory, just saying that it’s a common practice doesn’t justify it. Like yeah games used to be filled with loot boxes and gambling right? Just because it was common doesn’t make it morally right. Just look at what it does to people’s mental, it’s predatory af. Esp as someone who’s really impulsive.

Also c3 is not mainstream as you think it is. Like yeah if you’re in the know sure it’s they’re super popular, but I’m talking about the people who only know about angel2up, Brandon vu and maybe gentry stein


+1 for According to Jim

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C3 is pretty mainstream man. Kids probably know just the tubers but anybody that knows anything about yoyos knows about C3, MagicYoyo, maybe even OneDrop.

Having a flash sale for an early release isnt predatory, its marketing. Sure there is fomo involved but if it is an early release then no reason not to wait. Also any brand jas a right to release a new model. Its not like Brandon went and released a 5.0 version of the same yoyo, he literally released a new yoyo. What is it that rubbed you the wrong way, that it was bigger? I bet galactus 2 will be even bigger…

As for the OP. Not sure that I agree. The TI Halloween yoyo is pretty sought out, and I believe they used to even be out of stock at some point. I THINK they did a re-release run or something, right? But i would never recommend purchasing something just because it says 1 stock unless you actually want the thing. Did you just want the last one? There would be nithing stopping them from machining more or releasing a new version of the yoyo. Does it bother you that someone else will also buy the yoyo? I don’t get it, not like its the only one ever made. If they had more then great let them sell their yoyos man lol.


I could care less how many there actually are. I just saw the yoyo, dug it, and was suprised there was only one left, so I pulled the trigger because I didn’t know if I would be able to get one if I waited til next paycheck. Saying there’s only one left when there isn’t IS unethical. It’s a lie. I could even cut them some slack if it was restocked in a month, but the stock number was literally updated half an hour later when I went to show my friend. I’m actually suprised how ya’ll don’t see the problem here.

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Thats probably because they probably saw your order and checked their stock…

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I definitely understand how you can feel it is unethical.

When you think of it as this only one left in general as opposed to only one left in stock it makes you want to purchase.

Now if they were to specify that it was a batch of 50 and 49 have sold that would be a lie.

They may have ran 100 and 30 were listed in stock while the other 50 were promised to other retailers and maybe another 20 as back stock for promotional and team purposes. Maybe after them selling so well with an initial stock of 30 they added another 10 from back stock or however.

You go into Dillard’s and see one coat that is the only style of it on the rack, do you think it’s the only one in existence or do you realize they may be waiting on more to arrive from distribution.

Recognize your perspective and what was objectively stated.

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at what point does personal accountability kick in? everyone chooses what to spend money on. no one is FORCED to buy a yoyo. self control is a thing. if someone goes “OMG THERE’S ONLY ONE LEFT SO I GOTTA BUY THIS RIGHT NOW EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT!!!”, that’s a personal problem. I’m not saying that those moves by businesses arent scummy, but to BLAME a company for a person’s lack of self control, responsibility, and priorities is disingenuous at best and scapegoating at worst.

this goes well beyond yoyos. I’ve known plenty of ppl who complain about not having money for bills as they then go to the store and buy beer and cigarettes. this isn’t a failing of any company. this is personal failure. people need to grow up and be responsible for their actions. if you succumb to fomo that’s on you as an individual (collective “you” not personal)


Ya’ll really aren’t getting this haha. I give up. Have fun.


i don’t think anyone is failing to understand you. not agreeing with you isn’t the same as “not getting it”. you aren’t speaking some objective truth that everyone else just doesnt understand.

this line of yours betrays every single argument you can make against anyone but yourself. YOU chose to spend your money at the time you did because you thought you might not get it otherwise. you prioritized obtaining that thing over other considerations. how is that anyone else’s fault? regardless of how many they may or may not have had, the purchase choice was yours. I’ve looked at plenty of yoyos and said, “if it’s still available when i can afford it, I’ll get it, if not oh well” :man_shrugging:


This yoyo is available from multiple retailers, it sucks that you feel the way you do about what you saw on the site.

Really you should give up on trying to say a company is being predatory rather than accepting you were an ill informed buyer. You could’ve looked elsewhere, you could have emailed them inquiring about stock, but you got impulsive at seeing the one in stock.


I get the point you’re making but it’s still a trick they use on people that is found to be unethical. Okay so I’m a bit of an outlier (heh funny pun) but I have ADHD so I’m like super prone to this sorta stuff. (Big part of ADHD is like impulse and a laundry list of stuff) So when I see stuff like this it really irritates me. And let’s remember a big age demographic of Brandon’s are kids. It reminds me of like csgo lotto, basically a casino that done a great job at getting kids to try it out, and then blaming the kids for being hooked into gambling. Like sure u can blame the gambler for the lack of self control and what not, but there’s A reason why that sort of stuff is banned. And I’m there’s a gap between this and gambling ofc, but I’m talking about how it really takes advantage of somes psyche yk?

I didn’t need to look elsewhere because I only wanted one. I bought it. The quantity said one available…30 minutes later there were six. That’s it. I could care less if there were 9, I still would have bought it. You’re reading too much into the FOMO aspect of it, that was an offhand comment. The issue is a company implying false scarcity. Period. That’s it. Goodnight everybody.

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Sorry just finding it hard to see where anything here is implying false scarcity.

There is even a page to direct you to other places you can find their product. Considering this they could have received more back from other retailers and forgot to update their stock. Things happen with storage and inventory and sometimes numbers aren’t updated. Found more when getting yours.

It’s okay to feel the way you do but it’s not on yoyo friends.

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So after reading this titan of a thread, it seems like you feel as if the company did this on purpose to try and squeeze out more sales of a throw. IF that was their plan, I agree that it would be shady business at best.

That being said, it seems like there are other, more likely options as to what happened. Some software will pull stock numbers if someone has the item in their cart. It could very well be that other people had the same idea, saw low stock, popped it in their cart, and then decided against the purchase. Nothing the company can do about that if this is the case :man_shrugging:

Perhaps the company decided to grab some “extra stock in the back” when they saw the product was getting purchased. Happens very frequently in retail with this sort of stuff.

It could also just completely be a computer error, we all know how technology goes!

It could also be that someone really wanted to make sure they sell their product and preyed on people feeling FOMO and impulse buying. I agree with you that if this is the case, that business practice does not sit well, but I find that to be the least likely option


I probably know less on this subject in many of you people that are chiming in with their viewpoints and examples

But I personally consider myself to be if nothing else a curious person. And not really focusing any real attention or concern on various sites, not giving accurate inventory status, seemingly in an effort to inspire people to feel the urgency of getting one or going home and Crying yourself to sleep.

Over the last few years, I guess I don’t have to tell most of you guys I purchase yo-yos on a regular basis. The majority of yo-yos I get I buy from YoYoExpert if they have them?

If it’s something, I really wanna add to my collection and Andre doesn’t have it and he tells me more than likely a particular yo-yo or two he won’t be adding to his site, I will order from another source.

I won’t specifically identify the sources of my purchases, mainly because you’re not supposed to talk about other sites to sell yo-yos. But I’m hoping at least a few of you that are also curious you have done the same thing as what I’m gonna tell you I did it ended up shaking your head And saying boy…… Is that some funny business or what?

So here is what I observed. And I observed this several times. But mentioning every instance would get kind of redundant because the pattern was the same.

So here’s one example… I go to a site of a maker that sells the yo-yo‘s directly. The yo-yo I was interested in, I clicked on the color way I wanted to get. The page said one left. The page was set up so that you could Add the same Yo-yo to the cart. It said quantity with a click up arrow if you wanted to get another one.

So being a curious, kind of guy, I clicked on the option to put two in my cart. It seemed to take more than a few seconds to process my request. And when the page refreshed a little box came up and it said ‘You have exceeded the available quantity’. So I went back to quantity ‘1’ and completed the purchase.

About an hour later, I went back to the site page and clicked on the same colorway. The page said ‘1 available’. So…. Again , tried to add 2 to the cart. And again,the window popped up stating that my request exceeded quantity in stock.

So, I gave a heads up to a yo-yo throwing friend and told him what’s up with that?

He told me he loved that color and didn’t have ‘that yo-yo model yet’. About an hour later, he told me he went to the site and purchased the same exact model/colorway.

The very next day, nosey Mo returned to the site and clicked on THE SAME MODEL/COLORWAY.

It said Quantity ‘1 available’.< and yet again I did the increase purchase quantity to 2.
And once again the page said request exceeds quantity available.

Being somewhat slow between the ears now and then, all of a sudden, I had ‘a thought’:scream_cat:

I thought, ‘Wow, what a seriously sneaky way to generate feelings of urgency to buy or suck eggs’.

Pretty slick……


They know the psychology of what they are doing and leveraging it. This is capitalism, friends.


Ask Robert M. Sapolsky.

My “Burn Feeling” came from YoyoFactory.

I had not been back in the yoyo game very long, so some of it may have been my ignorance.

YYF announces the Legendary 888. Aluminum and Titanium. There is a “Pre Order” for $150. Then the yoyo will retal for $199.

That is a heck of a deal, Buy.

Yoyo comes and its cool, but it never went to retail price. Just stayed at $150. Ok, they got me.

At least I have a valuable yoyo.

Next A-May-zing sale, they Liquidate them for $79.00. Now my imagined value of the “Legendary” yoyo is crap.

Live and learn. But from this experience, I am not likely to support this brand in the future.

Thought I would share as this seems along the lines of this thread.


Oof yeah that’s a bummer man. I hate bait and switch pricing like that.

Not making excuses for anyone - and this doesn’t speak to the OP’s original complaint…but a thought on this one…

I’ve seen a MFG do very short runs and decide to limit to 1 per customer. As a former software developer, I could see having the website track a “true” inventory and show just 1 available and only allow 1 in the cart to deal with this 1 per customer thing. Now, I’ll say there are better ways to do this - but this would be a pretty simple/fast way to do it.

Again, not saying it’s right or wrong, or even that this was the case you experienced, but offering a “potential” reason why you might have had that experience. :man_shrugging: