Predatory False Advertising

  1. See expensive limited run throw on yoyo brand’s website.
  2. It says one available.
  3. Think to self, “I better grab that before someone else does.”
  4. Buy yoyo.
  5. Look at website 15 minutes later.
  6. “Six available”

Not sure if there’s a logical explanation for this, but I feel like I got got a bit.


I dont think it’s fair to assume that was intentional like maybe you just pulled it up before they updated the quantities. What yoyo was it?

Also listing incorrect quantity isnt predatory or advertising


Real, I feel like more people need to talk about this. I hated how a few months ago he does a surprise outlier 5 release for 24 hours. Which leads to intense fomo. To then release the Galactus literally not much later. Feels like such a stab in the back cuz he always says how wider is better right? And if u want that widest yoyo, well pony up cuz broski just got $150 off you and no heads up of another yoyo :melting_face:. (Also how he’ll say he used one yoyo for contests and such, then be like surprise I used another yoyo actually. It bamboozles the people who bought the yoyo cuz they thought the yoyo he was using was the same one they had)

Edit: totally read brand as Brandon in your post. Regardless I was to talk about how I feel Brandon vu still did predatory shizz with the Galactus and outlier 5 launch. Super unhappy with it


No idea on the brand but you have to remember many of these companies are run by one person and inventory management on these sites can be iffy at best as many peeps will add to basket etc then not buy


edit: nvm

I enjoy his content, but I have to agree with this take.


Yeah man don’t get me wrong, I love his content and think he’s a big reason why the yoyo scene is blowing up (I mean he’s the reason why I got into it after all) and I always gave prompts to him for being upfront and honest that you don’t need an expensive yoyo to play well. Like bro went out of his way to win nationals on a plastic yoyo, he could have easily said bi metal is the only way to compete professionally. But that’s what makes the galactic and outlier 5 release so bad, in the end I’m just really disappointed in brandon for choosing that route of fomo and greed. I hope he does better and doesn’t repeat that again


I wonder if there was some marketing team behind the whole thing to hype the brand to get some more traction.

It is unfortunate, and a bit confusing.

Brandon also helped pull me back into the scene a bit. I really appreciate his style and how he is willing to showcase that he is not the very best, and that it’s okay not to be.

FWIW it doesn’t look like Offsets site has inventory listed, so IDK if this is who/ what OP was referring to.

Still valid points about that release schedule tho!!!

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YoyoFriends Ti Koi Halloween 2024.


Brandon seems like a really nice guy. He’s obviously a higher level player. And his animated character in his yo-yo performance videos are pretty much second to none.

He has what is called a very engaging style. He speaks well… Moves around the room… Injects his animated sense of humor and is generally just entertaining to say the least.

That being said, on the other hand, I find some of the things he says not to be exaggerated, but to be just a little too sweet.

There’s an old saying that goes… Even a sugar cookie can have too much sugar.

Brandon turns out some pretty darn good yo-yos. The problem… Not much of a problem, but regardless still a problem for the long game is that everything can’t be the most amazing thing.

I fully understand that if you release a yo-yo or an update of a yo-yo, let’s say… A year apart, common logic would dictate that the new yo-yo Probably shows a higher level of performance based on the things that we learned in the past year from the last model. We all understand that that’s just basically performance evolution.

I understand that a person is going to aggressively market their own product, especially if all or part of their personal income is generated directly from yo-yo sales. I don’t have the slightest idea whether Brandon does the offset yo-yo thing as a hobby or whether he’s doing it as his source of income? And if so, what percentage of his income?

But if we just move past that for a minute and focus on three of his latest models. The offset plus… The offset five… And the Galactus.

He advertises One is the ultimate competition yo-yo… Another one is the pinnacle of yo-yo performance… And then out of the blue but not a whole lot of pre-advertising fanfare, the Galactus pops up. The plus was a great performance width. The five is the ultimate high-Performance width.
The Galactus at 60 mm is the high-performance yo-yo of the future. It just happens to be available today, lol.

I would say between the offset plus and the offset five, you could find pretty good players on each side of the debating table as to which one might be better for competition.

For a moment, let me toss in a sub story that I know had more than a few people guessing besides me.
Brandon does an advert video or he talks about how he was entering various contest well in the process of designing higher performance yo-yo for his personal use. While he was using and placing in his various contest, he let people think that the yo-yo he was using was a certain model.
And yet to everyone’s surprise, he pulled the curtain back and said while all you people thought I was placing while competing in these contest with a certain yo-yo… Ha ha ha I was actually using a wider upgraded higher performance model that was the same color and nobody even noticed he he.

But oh yeah, when I was throwing to the music in that year, trying to win this and that I was Secretly using what would become my next yo-yo and new clouds didn’t even know it.

What I found somewhat disconcerting about that was the fact that, even though I understand what he was doing based on the way, he described what he was doing… I wonder how many people he influenced to buy the yo-yo they thought he was using? Because I would figure That a small number of people might be impressed enough with his performances to buy the yo-yo they thought he was using? I guess it really caught my attention primarily because as he was explaining that he pulled the wool on everybody, he just kind of laughed along like if he had fun doing it then it must be OK right? I don’t think he deliberately meant or intentionally was compelled to fool people. But whatever the method if the results are the same, then it probably wasn’t the right thing to do. You don’t move through the yo-yo competition circuit for a year letting people think you’re winning or placing with a certain model when you’re actually using Some kind of superman Proto. Right before the unwitting eyes of the public.

It’s possible I haven’t been paying attention to all release information of the many yo-yos now released all year long. And since I don’t do much social media stuff yo-yo related outside of yo-yo expert, my knowledge of what’s currently going on is related either to this forum Or the mini contacts or Conversations I have with people that are actively participating in the yo-yo scene.
…. So, It at least is in the realm of possibility that a lot of pre-release information was made available about the Galactus 60 MM yo-yo On other sites and I just didn’t know it for obvious reasons?

But unless somebody has a link, they can send me. I didn’t see a lot of pre-release fanfare for this newest yo-yo?

I’m not drawing any conclusions as to whether this is wrong or a bad thing, etc. But I think a small company literally shotgunning people with the notion or the suggestion that every yo-yo they release is the most competitive highest performance pinnacle of yo-yo in future is just a little bit too much sugar on that sugar cookie.

At the end of the day, I really like Brandon. He’s intelligent he’s charming, he’s well educated, he’s very articulate, he exudes a lot of positive energy, people like to be around him because he’s usually upbeat, he’s a great competitor and he has skills and knowledge of how to use the stage and play the crowd when he’s in a contest.

A rapper once said it ain’t bragging if you can back it up. Brandon doesn’t brag. But if he did, I have no doubt he could back it up.

But the bottom line is that his aggressive, marketing approach, suggesting everything can be the top Competitive choice is just a little bit too much sugar.


Luckily you have Free Will. You Can’t blame the brands for your own self control.


That’s a whole other discussion😁

But answer this question…if a brand has a limited edition product tied to last year’s holiday and says they only have one left on their own website’s product page, would you truly think they have more? And if they did, you don’t think that’s false advertising?

If we want to do some sort of “experiment”, I see 6 of the mentioned throw available for purchase on that brands website.

Idk, in the end I’m sure it was some sort of back end website issue doubtful it was predatory

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To tweak Hanlon’s Razor slightly: Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by a technical mishap.

Besides, if YYFr really were doing that intentionally, surely they’d keep it at 1 in stock to continue exploiting FOMO, not revert to the actual stock no. YYFr are a well known and respected brand, I don’t think they would do this kind of tactic nor have any need to resort to it.

The standard for something to be predatory has got to be higher than this, come on. Let’s be aware of the severity of the language being used.

While a big part of the pitch for the Outlier 5 was the width there were other selling points he touted and the two designs are drastically different. The Outlier 5 wasn’t even the widest bimetal when it released so if the sole appeal to you for buying it was the width then you should have bought a Super Scintillator/Mega Monster instead.

You I assume bought the Outlier 5, do you like it? If yes, then it was a good purchase and you should focus on enjoying it instead of being upset that he released another yo-yo which you think looks cool afterwards (which I’m sure you’ll still be able to buy whenever you next have funds if you still are interested). If you want to take anything from this, maybe try not to get caught up in the hype for a release so readily.


Bro doing a surprise YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO BUY THIS RN ON SALE TOO OR ELSE ITS OVER, NO OFFICAL RELEASE DATE BTW, yeah that’s predatory af. It’s the textbook example of fomo. And no I didn’t buy it but damn I was SOOOOO close but it would have screwed me over if I did cuz I was mad broke, but you know ONLY 24 HOURS GUYS, DONT THINK BUY NOW! And think of the yoyoing normie, they don’t know much about the other brands, they just trust Brandon and when he makes a big point on wide yoyos being better in all his previous videos, it’s a kick to the teeth for the people who bought it cuz they wanted a wide yoyo, like it’s $150 or so this isn’t chump change. For then a surprise announcement later that MONTH on another release which very well could have been what they’d rather spend their hard earned money on, but felt pressured to buy the outlier 5 cuz of the limited quantity and time limit. And I wanna say this rn I love his content, and was the biggest Brandon glazer until that launch happened. You can’t seriously tell me that a surprise 24 hour launch isn’t the definition of FOMO

Correct, there are 6. When I purchased mine last night, it said 1…then sold out after I bought it…then 6. Maybe they found a box of them that they didn’t realize they had?

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Also, just so everyone is aware, my original post was meant as a bit of a joke, even though that is what actually happened. I have nothing but good things to say about YoyoFriends, my first monometal after my MagicYoYo Node was a Sync and I learned a lot of tricks with that thing.

Here’s what Claude(my favorite AI) has to say on the matter:

"The practice of falsely claiming an item is “the last one” when it isn’t is a form of deceptive advertising. This type of false scarcity marketing is generally considered misleading and unethical.

In the United States, this practice would likely violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” Similar laws exist in many other countries. The FTC has taken action against companies for creating artificial scarcity and making false claims about limited availability.

A legitimate “limited edition” product should genuinely be produced in restricted quantities. If a business advertises something as “the last one” when they actually have more in stock, they are making a false statement intended to pressure consumers into making quick purchasing decisions.

Legal consequences could include:

  • FTC enforcement actions
  • State-level consumer protection penalties
  • Civil lawsuits from misled customers
  • Required corrective advertising
  • Monetary fines

For a more precise understanding of how these laws apply in your location, you may want to consult with a local consumer protection attorney or your regional consumer protection agency."




I didn’t say it wasn’t making use of FOMO (a lot of marketing does, and limited early release runs are a pretty standard marketing tactic), I said it wasn’t predatory. Because it wasn’t lol. No deception occurred. And I’m sure the Outlier 5 will also be sold at loads of retailers in the next few months fwiw, just like the Outlier+ was. Some people just bought it early and direct.

This is a pretty funny response to me citing two yo-yos made by Yoyofactory and C3.