Brandon seems like a really nice guy. He’s obviously a higher level player. And his animated character in his yo-yo performance videos are pretty much second to none.
He has what is called a very engaging style. He speaks well… Moves around the room… Injects his animated sense of humor and is generally just entertaining to say the least.
That being said, on the other hand, I find some of the things he says not to be exaggerated, but to be just a little too sweet.
There’s an old saying that goes… Even a sugar cookie can have too much sugar.
Brandon turns out some pretty darn good yo-yos. The problem… Not much of a problem, but regardless still a problem for the long game is that everything can’t be the most amazing thing.
I fully understand that if you release a yo-yo or an update of a yo-yo, let’s say… A year apart, common logic would dictate that the new yo-yo Probably shows a higher level of performance based on the things that we learned in the past year from the last model. We all understand that that’s just basically performance evolution.
I understand that a person is going to aggressively market their own product, especially if all or part of their personal income is generated directly from yo-yo sales. I don’t have the slightest idea whether Brandon does the offset yo-yo thing as a hobby or whether he’s doing it as his source of income? And if so, what percentage of his income?
But if we just move past that for a minute and focus on three of his latest models. The offset plus… The offset five… And the Galactus.
He advertises One is the ultimate competition yo-yo… Another one is the pinnacle of yo-yo performance… And then out of the blue but not a whole lot of pre-advertising fanfare, the Galactus pops up. The plus was a great performance width. The five is the ultimate high-Performance width.
The Galactus at 60 mm is the high-performance yo-yo of the future. It just happens to be available today, lol.
I would say between the offset plus and the offset five, you could find pretty good players on each side of the debating table as to which one might be better for competition.
For a moment, let me toss in a sub story that I know had more than a few people guessing besides me.
Brandon does an advert video or he talks about how he was entering various contest well in the process of designing higher performance yo-yo for his personal use. While he was using and placing in his various contest, he let people think that the yo-yo he was using was a certain model.
And yet to everyone’s surprise, he pulled the curtain back and said while all you people thought I was placing while competing in these contest with a certain yo-yo… Ha ha ha I was actually using a wider upgraded higher performance model that was the same color and nobody even noticed he he.
But oh yeah, when I was throwing to the music in that year, trying to win this and that I was Secretly using what would become my next yo-yo and new clouds didn’t even know it.
What I found somewhat disconcerting about that was the fact that, even though I understand what he was doing based on the way, he described what he was doing… I wonder how many people he influenced to buy the yo-yo they thought he was using? Because I would figure That a small number of people might be impressed enough with his performances to buy the yo-yo they thought he was using? I guess it really caught my attention primarily because as he was explaining that he pulled the wool on everybody, he just kind of laughed along like if he had fun doing it then it must be OK right? I don’t think he deliberately meant or intentionally was compelled to fool people. But whatever the method if the results are the same, then it probably wasn’t the right thing to do. You don’t move through the yo-yo competition circuit for a year letting people think you’re winning or placing with a certain model when you’re actually using Some kind of superman Proto. Right before the unwitting eyes of the public.
It’s possible I haven’t been paying attention to all release information of the many yo-yos now released all year long. And since I don’t do much social media stuff yo-yo related outside of yo-yo expert, my knowledge of what’s currently going on is related either to this forum Or the mini contacts or Conversations I have with people that are actively participating in the yo-yo scene.
…. So, It at least is in the realm of possibility that a lot of pre-release information was made available about the Galactus 60 MM yo-yo On other sites and I just didn’t know it for obvious reasons?
But unless somebody has a link, they can send me. I didn’t see a lot of pre-release fanfare for this newest yo-yo?
I’m not drawing any conclusions as to whether this is wrong or a bad thing, etc. But I think a small company literally shotgunning people with the notion or the suggestion that every yo-yo they release is the most competitive highest performance pinnacle of yo-yo in future is just a little bit too much sugar on that sugar cookie.
At the end of the day, I really like Brandon. He’s intelligent he’s charming, he’s well educated, he’s very articulate, he exudes a lot of positive energy, people like to be around him because he’s usually upbeat, he’s a great competitor and he has skills and knowledge of how to use the stage and play the crowd when he’s in a contest.
A rapper once said it ain’t bragging if you can back it up. Brandon doesn’t brag. But if he did, I have no doubt he could back it up.
But the bottom line is that his aggressive, marketing approach, suggesting everything can be the top Competitive choice is just a little bit too much sugar.