Did you make anything with or for yo-yos?
Counterweight light pulls
Future world’s biggest ball of yo-yo string
Show us what you made
Did you make anything with or for yo-yos?
Show us what you made
Lol, I like that. “Worlds future biggest ball of yo-yo string”
Was board.
Made string.
It sucked.
One too thin, (6 wraps)
One too thick (9 wraps)
And one too scratchy (7 wraps)
It looks cool though!
Of note for future string makers: The scratchy one (blue/green) softened up after about 15 minutes of play.
Koa is so beautiful. I wish it was more common. It would make amazing yo-yos. How’d you get some?
It’s one of my favorite woods. Can be difficult to carve so have to keep chisels supper sharp. I know a guy in Hawaii that sends me some.