Mine’s more of a sad ‘lost’ story. Back in middle school just before the big boom, I smuggled my Yomega Brain yoyo to school that I just bought. After second period, I noticed that my yoyo was not in my backpack. Around lunch time, a friend comes up to me and asks “Were you looking for this?” holding a clear/red Brain yoyo up. I grabbed it and told him it was and thanks for finding it. Unfortunately, someone overcranked it to the point the hub was pretty much toast.
That evening, since I couldn’t unscrew it anymore, I just yanked it apart and removed the caps on the non clutch side. I had another Yomega half in which the clutch side was destroyed so I removed the cap on that as well and reassembled my new ‘Power Spin’ (or capless Fireball), which I still have in my yoyo box today. A few months down the road, I bought a new Brain yoyo and have been careful with it sense so I don’t overcrank it.
Also back in the day, my friends and I were all messing with our yoyos when I told him about the Sky Rocket trick. He had a brand new Fireball he was learning to use. So one of my other friends shows him with his yoyo - throws a strong sleeper and launches it skyward about the height of a telephone pole. After he did such, he forgot he didn’t (or any of us in that matter) have any large pockets to catch it in. The yoyo crashes into the street, all of us thinking “Oh no, it’s toast!” I grabbed it, did a quick inspection and guess what…only a small ding! We were all wowed by that, and that we didn’t owe him a new Fireball.
Second to last one, most recent, more of an ‘ouch’ story. I just picked up a (discontinued, I don’t think it was B-grade) Rec Rev n.9 at the BAC and attempted Eli Hops since everyone around was doing it. When I brought the yoyo back down, the thick rim smashes into my knuckle. Later when I got home I was wondering what was hurting so much, only to see a bruise.
And last one, also at BAC. I just picked up my Raptor, did a few throws until my string snagged. I unscrewed it, only to have the axle fall in the grass. I stopped dead in my tracks, frantically searching as I don’t want to feel like I spent $40 for nothing. Ready to give up and move on, maybe see if Duncan had any spare axles, I see this silvery thing in the grass out of the corner of my eye. It was the axle. What was also amazing was that several throwers nearby stopped what they were doing to help me look for it. Talk about support from people you don’t even know!