Have you ever left your yoyo somewhere?

This would literally be my worst dream. Leaving a yoyo at school then finding a 1st grader slamming my 50 dollar yoyo to the ground :grimacing:

My yo-yos have been beat up by my kids, random kids at club and all kinds of junk but I’ve never lost a yoyo. I did misplace one in some luggage and found it a year later

Just every single table and counter n my house despite getting a mounted shelf made specifically for yo-yos

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I routinely leave them in random places around my house but one time in high school it fell out of my pocket at solo & ensemble festival and I didn’t realize it for like an hour because I was nervous about performing. I was so stressed because it was my favorite yoyo (SPYY Dynamo. Still is too!), but luckily it was where I had been waiting before going to perform and people had left it alone. Man I was so relieved to still find it there!


The only one I can remember losing was to a very little kid at the park a year or two ago. I usually yo-yo while watching my kids at the playground. This one time a kid wanted to try it so I cut the string short enough and handed it over and asked him to make sure to give it back before he left. By the time my kids were ready to go he was nowhere to be seen. I was a little bummed but knew that was the risk. If I ever really want another spitfire they seem to be easy enough to find.


I spent two weeks at my daughter’s house in north Alabama over the holidays. I had two throws in my open top hearing aid bag. One a small non-responsive and my RBC (my favorite!). I played the them several times in idle time. When I got home, the RBC was missing. :open_mouth:

I sent my daughter a text along with a picture to see if it was in the room we stayed in. No luck, but she said they would BOLO.

Several days later, it rolled out from under the driver’s seat on my car. I thought that it mush have fallen out of the small bag. Fortunately, it landed in a safe place.

Note: I always gift my granddaughters yoyo of some kind when we visit. They both enjoy the throws. I hope they stay in the hobby as they get older. :slight_smile:


I’ve lost probably over $100 in yo-yos. :roll_eyes:. But in fairness I’ve also lost my purse many times. I lose anything that’s not attached.
To top it off I now have only one or two yo-yos (usually the YYF V8) that I bring out of the house and they are nicely dinged up lol :woman_shrugging:t3:


I once went to the cinema and my yoyo kept on slipping off the pocket and going underneath the chairs. When we got out of the cinema, I touched my pocket and didn´t feel the yoyo. I got desperate. I went into the cinema and luckily found it underneath the chairs. I noticed quickly

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One time a Yo-Yo fell off my belt loop while walking around a county fair about 10 years back. I did eventually find it and it was pretty beat up. It definitely must have been picked up and played with by a few others and then thrown back on the ground. The string was all tangled and messy. Other than that I’ve been pretty fortunate thankfully!

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I left a yoyo at work just before the covid shutdown and I was furloughed from work. It sat at my desk for over a year. Ironically, the yoyo didn’t get much further after that, went from my desk to still sitting in my car.