Post a trick thread!

Great job! I’ve been devoting most of my play time to working on the beefhook as well. Feels great to land it after all that work, doesn’t it?


The biggest tip I have is try to keep your th finger under the yoyo instead of directly next to it… that really helped my consistency.


Thanks for that. I’ve actually hit it twice now!!:smiley:
But I’ve been experimenting with where to have the yo-yo in space while the string is whirling around. I’ve been right beside the yo-yo so this advice will help. I feel like I’ve got the mechanics of it, now it’s just tuning it in, then fine tuning.


It’s definitely a grind, just tons of repetition at this point. To me, this is one of those tricks that you just have get the “feel” for… (if that makes sense) :rofl:


Thanks guys! I actually was thinking to myself recently that landing beef hook gives me a feeling like when I win money on a scratch off lottery ticket ahah.

@Slestak75 Brandon Vu’s tutorial on beef hook helped me the most I think. I’m still messing around with certain things that seem to help. The other day I noticed that the way I release the string off my finger plays a big part. You can kinda cause the string to fling just by the way you move the tip of your finger before the release. Alot of tutorials say to pull away your NTH as you release. I’ve found the way I do it is more of a slight downward pull. It’s alot of trial and error of feeling out what works best and then executing that proper technique consistently. It is a fun trick though, if you need any help feel free to ask. Here’s Brandon Vu’s tutorial on it:


Since we’re talking about beef hooks, here is a fun combo to try:


What I’m liking a lot about the Beefhook is that you can just keep resetting it and trying again so many times before having to rethrow. Lots of fun.


Right. I did that so much I started getting a small rut in my skin from the string haha. I forgot another thing I think that helped me was using a really long string at first. The longer string makes it easier to land so you can get a better feel of what technique works best.


Sup dear throwers!
New tutorial is out now on YOYOSAURUS YT channel.
've been watching old WYYC videos for the last couple days.
It’s crazy how fast time flies. Feels like 2010 was 2 years ago… So I decided to film a tutorial on János Karancz tower from the early 2010s.
Thanks for attention!




Blaise Becker trick here.

Something about tricks in slo mo really do it for me. Shows the “art” and difficulty of this hobby so well


also portishead

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Always portishead my friend!

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Nice! That yoyo looks sick. I always thought the orange with yellow cap motif looked weird but now seeing a similar version spinning it looks great.

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Yeah! But its an anima not motif

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I’ve not caught the hook on Beefhook other than by accident and I’m not sure if it was even the right catch because it feels like it snaps right into the mount as soon as I contact the string. I have been able to get the rejection and then catch a Brother mount. That has been fun. So a couple of questions. When you’re bringing the trapeze across, are you supposed to hit your TH finger with the string before releasing from NTH pointer, or is there supposed to be no contact? Also, is this mount one of those that just happens when you have your hands in the right position or are you needing to intercept the string at some point?


I think I understand what your asking but if I’m not making sense let me know lol. When your sliding from the trapeze you release it from your NTH without making any contact with your throw hand. Once you release the string off your pointer finger you are intercepting with your TH. I think I still have some slow motion videos on my phone from when I was having issues that I can post let me check.

Here’s a slow motion video from when I was having trouble with getting the loop to land in the right position. I think it might show what you are asking though.

You could also try this way out maybe to get the feel of it. I got lucky doing it this way at first a few times. The loop already being as big as it can get next to your TH hand makes it kind of easier.


You got just what I was asking, and the video captured the desired effect very well so I feel like that gives me very good direction. Thank you. :smiley: