Unlike the pictured one, it could disassemble into a hex key, string pick (in the form of a spike), and even a small blade for string cutting. Unfortunately, the threads holding it together were fairly weak, and I’ve recently lost everything other than the hex key portion. The string pick was by far what i used the most, so I’m looking for a replacement.
Is there some sort of keychainable household item that works as a replacement? Or is there a similar multitool currently on the market? I’ve had no luck trying to find something similar.
Yeah, I’ve been using needles as well. But getting something I can easily keep on me and quickly take out would be nice.
@YYdudeman That does look like it would work well, but I don’t really carry a lighter around in the first place. So it would just a be bit of unnecessary bulk.
One of those plastic tooth picks like in the old Swiss Army knives would be perfect. I’ll use a paperclip or needle in a pinch, but I get worried using sharp metal and scratching the ano.
I forget what they called it, but ZRGT made this killer little tool that has a pick, bearing removal tool and Allen wrench for axle! And it fits in my wallet.
I’ve ended up ordering a toothpick like those suggested by @Kaylinity. However, those certainly look like they would also work well, thanks for bringing them up!
Hopefully others will be able to benefit from the various suggestions in this thread as well.
Thanks for the mention @Splizacular , I actually hand make my string picks from anodized aluminum wire, it is a softer alloy than 6061 so it doesn’t scratch finishes. My picks come with my yo-yo holsters, the BearHug and my newest design that has yet to be named. I also always keep one on my keys.
I love the ZGRT tool, MFD also made a pick that’s nice…ZipLine has a cool wooden pick that works… but my go to is the plastic envelope opener, plastic tip works to pick the string and a built in string cutter. You can buy a dozen for $10 or less and i have one in every yoyo case/ bag / display i own.
I keep the yyf multitool and a floss pick on my keychain. The floss is strong enough to keep it attached to the key ring, the toothpick is slightly curved which makes knot picking much easier, they wont scratch anything and are cheap and easy to replace! At home I usually use a thin crochet hook or a wooden toothpick