POLL: How many of you have real life yoyo friends?

I’m mid 30’s from Somerset, MA and work as a field technician for all or RI and S.E. MA. Most of my time is work or family too. I went to the MA States in October and had a great time. It was my first time at YYE but didn’t get to see the store because it was closed for the contest. That’s cool that you’ve been a few times. It’s about 2.5 hour ride for me so I’ve only done it once but would love to do it again. Yoyoing is great because I can take it anywhere or easily stop if my son wants me to do something with him.


lol I read way more than I participate

On topic though. People are what make yoyoing worth it for me. yoyos are cool, tricks are cooler, yoyoers are the the coolest. It will always be this way for me. I’m always more stoked to see a friend land a trick he’s been trying for ages than to do that myself.


I was hoping that would be my first contest but I don’t have the money or time to fly there. I live on the southeast coast of US :disappointed:


First of all the answer is yes.


Convicted, never convicted… and i loved that post. Well done Sir.

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So, was it your own specific brand? Or was it like a store that sold American-made yo-yos?

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One of these days I’ll be off second shift and I’ll be able to go to the yoyo club near me.


I attended so many yoers, but the few that I frequent still don’t play anymore.


Yoyofriends? PLS. :stuck_out_tongue:


All online although a month or two before Xmas I did get a real life friend interested, he has just started with a Duncan Imperial. I am being as encouraging as I can in the hope he keeps with it and so far so good :slight_smile:


I can see someone with only an Imperial watching tutorials and getting real discouraged. Don’t let him get away.




I’m friends with all yoyos. :tipping_hand_man: In fact, if you come across a homeless yoyo it’s welcome here. Send it my way.

(haha, the poll let me place a vote in each category) :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha! Well I see it as an ideal starting place to learn the fundamental basics. When I played yoyo for a bit back in the late 90s I started with a Playmaxx Pro-Yo 2 which if anything is an even weaker yoyo but it helped me get a proper feel for it and learnt the do a sleeper the hard way! I have told him if he is enjoying and wants to step things up a bit to perhaps go for a Recess First Base next so he can keep to responsive play and then switch up to unresponsive if he so wishes. Fingers crossed he keeps with it! :slight_smile:

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