Ok, so I picked this yoyo, a Pocket-pros Zombie, up from KMart not long ago. My hardest trick instantly went from being Dizzy Baby to Brain twister. So right now, I’m pleased with it.
However, I was wondering if anyone else has played with this yoyo. Is it just a decent yoyo, or is it a really good one. Is it only good for intermediate tricks or is it good for advanced tricks?
Also, my sleep time with this yoyo is about 25 seconds. Is that good or bad with the yoyo I am using? (in other words, will this yoyo get better sleep times)
I assume your on the intermediate level tricks. In that case yes this would be a good yoyo for you. It shouldn't sleep more than maybe 45 seconds on a good throw. I don't really know since I haven't played this yoyo. As your yoyoing grows you will develope stronger/harder throws which allow you to do more complex tricks. As far as the " Zombie " goes if it fits your style now use it. But as you progress onto advance tricks I reccomend upgrading your yoyo of choice. The good part about yoyoing is there is no "best" yoyo. Some may spin longer and be different shapes/sizes, but go with what you prefer.
Keep Throwing.
Don’t ever get discouraged.
Maybe later on in your yoyoing journey pick up a 40-60 dollar range YYJ bimetal or YYF fundametal
Those will get you onto those more advance tricks.
it will be fine where you are at, but keep in mind that when you get advanced, few pros use the zombie for 1a. i think i have seen someone doing 2a with it though.
I’m about to get a better yoyo fairly soon. I’ve been having trouble doing split-bottom mounts, and I thought it was just me, but I picked up a different yoyo earlier today and did a split-bottom mount on my first try. Then I did it again, and again. Then I picked up the zombie and couldn’t do it anymore. Picked up the other yoyo, performed the mount again. Maybe it’s not rim-weighted enough for good balance?