Please explain to my Bro...

This is why Mrcnja is cooler than you.

It’s just fact.

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considering the nascar capital of the world is about 30 min away from me and they claim it’s a sport if you drive in a circle for 6 hours while a bunch of drunk rednecks sit there and watch, I must say that yoyoing is indeed a REAL sport. in otherwords like walter says “THEY’RE GOING INTO A LEFT TURRRRN!!” :smiley:

How can you unfairly yoyo? Just a thought…

You can do anything unfairly if a metal (Most/a lot of the time) object is attached to a string (Most of the time) ;D

Check out this thread… I think it kinda relates to your problem…

Thats not fair now is it? Here we are upset that people dont acknowledge our sport but yet we rag on another?

NASCAR is a sport… It takes ALOT of skill… Not only are they driving in (Its more of an oval), their driving at around 200 miles per hour… Theres a TON of science and technology involved… They are constantly working to make the cars lighter, faster, and at the same time safer…

And another thing… These guys sit in their cars for HOURS… Imagine driving for sixhours… Only stopping to fill up on gas and get new tires… and every one else driving around you in trying to pass you and riding around 2 inches away? A slight tap could send you toppling…

So yeah… Why do we get to complain about people not liking our sport, not recognizing our sport, but its fine when we do it to another sport?


I wasnt ragging on NASCAR, I enjoy NASCAR, Simply stating my opinion.

Sometimes I stand for six hours, only stopping to pee and change my string, everybody walking around me, trying to hit my yoyo, a slight tap could send it toppling.

Wow, Nascar is pretty similiar to yoyoing. I know how the drivers feel. ;D ;D

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you’re around charlotte, nc too? (to claim the capital is anywhere else, you’re off your rocker.)

my $0.02:
sure it’s a sport. so is competitive eating and wife-carrying. even chess is recognized as a sport by the ioc! however, while yo-yoing can be seen as a sport, there’s a BIG DIFFERENCE between it and most sports. in baseball, the team that scores the most runs wins. in basketball, it’s the most baskets. in nascar it’s who crosses the finish line first… who wins yo-yoing? and how? we could line up 10 of the most experienced yo-yo judges in the world, have them watch 5 freestyles, and END UP WITH ALL DIFFERENT ORDERS! i could ask 10 different competitors how exactly they’re being judged, and GET ALL DIFFERENT ANSWERS (possibly with NONE of them being totally accurate).

i guess what i’m saying is, while we can call it a sport… it’s not a very clear-cut one. and as such, the non-yoyoing public is going to resist understanding its competitive side. at least until we get ourselves together and prove some consistency in terms of how you win/lose.

designating it a sport doesn’t make it ‘cool’ on its own. to me the best aspect of yo-yoing is that it DOESN’T NEED to be a sport to be interesting. it transcends sport. personally, i don’t see yo-yoers as ‘athletes’ at all. i see them as ‘performance artists’, which i think is a lot cooler (but which, admittedly, will not save you from being antagonized by your brother).

Maybe you should read other people’s posts.

Like this one.

Oh and for you Ed. Yoyoing is the same as things like Figure skating, Diving, Gymnastics and any other sport that has judges. If they are sports then why the heck not yoyoing? Other than the conditioning aspect of it. You don’t need to go to the gym in order to be a yoyoer. That’s what makes our sport unique.

true but i just have a HUGE dislike for nascar soo yeah…that was my inner rage coming out… sorry ^_^"

We’re at a contest. I just lubed all your bearings so your yo-yos are responsive. Will this affect your freestyle? It probably will. Is it unfair, uncharitable, and unsportsmanlike? Yep.

Give your brother a good punch where he needs it.


I’ve had that with my mom literally. I want the remnant and she says “Whats wrong with all the other ones? Why don’t you just stop?” has the following (partial) definition of a sport:

Taken on that basis, yo-yo’ing is indeed a sport.

As for Dark-Magic Xii’s predicament, were I in that situation, I’d just let it go. It’s been my experience that if people know their actions get under someone’s skin, they’ll persist. Besides, it’s temporary, especially in the case of a 17-year-old brother who could be headed to college or boot camp in a year or so.

Lol, yeah the same thing here awesome point dude! ;D

Thank you everyone! Thank you for making me feel so much better!

2 things: i wouldn’t call yoyoing “athletic” or “phisical,” but neither nascar or chess or fishing or golf.

two definitions of “Physical”
-Of or relating to material things: our physical environment.
-Of or relating to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them, especially physics.

All of those require Physics, and physical items…

i’m closer to daytona, fl where the daytona 500 is. it sucks around that time of year here…

sorry casey. HUGE difference.
in all of the sports you mentioned, the participants are performing PRE-PLANNED routines that conform to specific criteria. they HAVE to hit certain tricks/movements. ever notice how in figure skating the announcers KNOW that ‘sasha cohen is going into her triple lutz’ (or whatever)? the judges KNOW what’s coming, and all they have to look for is whether they hit their pre-determined ‘tricks’ correctly. sane for diving and gymnastics. can you imagine if bob malowney were there saying ‘and here comes yuuki with his rancid milk! he REALLY hits that trick well!!’ it would be ridiculously boring (but a lot easier to judge and easier for the audience to understand). that’s the whole reason they have the exposition on the last day of a gymnsatics event, so the competitors can actually demo whatever they WANT without it affecting their placing.

yo-yoing, UNLIKE every sport you listed is a TRUE FREESTYLE, which makes it absolutely impossible to accurately ‘judge’ on the fly with any validity, especially at the highest level. yo-yoing is much more like skateboarding or surfing in the way it’s judged, which i would also argue are ARTS in themselves before they are sports.

but undeniably, if you WANT to call any of them sports, that’s just fine. i never said yo-yoing wasn’t; just that it wasn’t CLEAR, and that makes it a difficult sell to the mainstream which prefers touchdowns and finish lines.

Oh, so now we’re beating on golf!?