Okay this is a rant. So please don’t flame me. It’s just my 2 cents.
Somehow, I find most of the beginners (or even some kids who can play) can do slacks, whips, and even suicides. I mean, this is not bad, but I somehow think they’re neglecting string complex tricks. Like… Say, white buddha or kamikaze. A few days ago, I was learning rancid milk. A kid actually came and told me that no one learns those stuff anymore. What?
Again, sorry if I offended anyone. Just my two cents.
I didn’t learn anything over buddah’s revenge, but thats because I made up my own tricks at 2 months, and now i’m technical. I can do suicides perfectly, I just dont see a point in them…
Many of the musicians who do well in jazz, a style of music that values individual musical sense and often very abstract expression, are classically trained; this edge in the functional rudiments of musical theory, despite not requiring in itself high levels of internalization of the music or any individual expression of the performing musician, becomes something of a catalyst, magnifying the capabilities of the musician, equipping him for higher levels of discipline than would perhaps otherwise be expected of him, and lending additional credibility to every note he plays. To wit, even if he plays exactly the same thing as a less-trained musician, it commands higher value because it’s understood that he has a larger musical vocabulary and chose to play what he did because it expresses most precisely what he wishes to express.
Slacks, whips, and suicides are often easier for some people than many of the complex string tricks out there. So it doesn’t surprise me that beginners don’t get to it right away. Hopefully, they’ll get to it eventually; if not, encourage them gently and humbly. Everyone will learn what they want to. It’s kind of silly for someone to say “no one learns that stuff anymore”. Probably some kid who just wasn’t motivated. It sounds like you’re being patient and not too pushy. Keep it up!
I’m still baffled by why people always think that they know best about how others learn or should learn. Everyone is different. some learn the basics and get great. Others jump to the hard stuff and do great. That’s life.
Do you think a kid should learn to drive an automatic car before a standard? Reason I use this is that there is much more going on when driving a stick shift than an auto. More to take in. Much harder to learn.
My point is it’s not always good for certain people to start out with the easy stuff.