Looks too awsome to be true!
Both look sick!
Especially coming from Duncan, it looks like their very serious in competing with the other high-end metal yoyos.
Very awesome.
Hopefully it won’t have friction stickers like the Metal Zero though…
I tried the Vandetta and it is awesome. I love the shape and feel of it, and it is really really smooth.
Whoa! Is that brand from Duncan???
Happy Throwing! =]
My thoughts exactly.
They look nice, I hope they’re nothing like Metal Zero’s.
They are NOTHING like metal zero’s.
It should be unresponsive. Finally, Duncan steps up its game! Let’s hope it’s affordable!
I bet Vendetta is first in line for the Vendetta!

I bet Vendetta is first in line for the Vendetta!
You made a username funny!
Duncan finally has decent looking metals. Does anyone know if it still uses friction stickers?
Mayhem uses Duncan Silicon Stickers (and unresponsive)… not sure what the Vendetta uses though - the one I tried wasn’t production (and I wasn’t impressed… but as I said I didn’t try a production run)
Mayhem is nice though ;D Its a huge improvement from the metal zeros
where the heck are you guys looking all i see are some trick vids

Duncan finally has decent looking metals. Does anyone know if it still uses friction stickers?
The Metal Zero has Friction Stickers. http://yoyoexpert.com/product/duncan/metal-zero/
Most Duncan’s do. If they don’t, it would probably be the Freehand-Z proto, Freehand-Y prototype, or the Freehand-Glasseye that has the positive and negative starburst looking thing response. Almost like the Velocity minus the dials. And I think it’s non-interchangeable.
yeh about the video how the hell do you spin it through the strings just before you get to the trapeze slack bit… i have no idea how to turn my hand or how or where to swing it…
By the way the yoyo looks sick!!!

yeh about the video how the hell do you spin it through the strings just before you get to the trapeze slack bit… i have no idea how to turn my hand or how or where to swing it…
By the way the yoyo looks sick!!!
Please, no profanity.