Perfect Knot Picking Tool

Bobby pins will work better than anything else. They have rubber ends that don’t damage ano, and you can easily loop them through your knots for quick and efficient untying.


I use a string buddy clipped to my bag. It’s a spring loaded knot pick on a retractable cable thing. Is it over-engineered for a knot pick? Absolutely. But is it cool? Extremely.

They were giving these out at worlds if you let them film you doing a trick tutorial. I feel like this is something I wouldn’t have purchased on my own, but now that I have one I use it constantly.


Metal wire paperclip. You can find it practically everywhere, you can carry it in your pocket, in your wallet, etc.


The eye of Horus string pick is my favorite hands down.


I got my O-ring Pick Tool in the mail last week, I use it all the time now! Great suggestion @SlowThrow. Perfect timing too, a lot of the tricks I’m working on right now are knotty tricks. :laughing:

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Awesome!! May your string remain knot free!

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Nothing fancy, I combined one of the cheap bearing tools with a small key ring and a customized paper clip for this purpose. Stays in my pouch with my throw and a spare string.

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Now that’s clever

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