PayPal is dead

Why tf all this forum uses only paypal?
This system is piece of ■■■■ has blocked my second account in a row… I just got a few payments from 2 guys and it has been blocked instantly
Whats f wrong with this tell me somebody


Not enough information here for us to be too helpful but let me take a stab at it…

Paypal G&S does a “decent” job trying to protect the buyer and seller from scams. That’s why it’s the preferred payment method on many selling platforms. So many scammers out there.

I believe if you create a brand new account - when someone sends funds as G&S those funds get put on hold until the tracking shows delivery - I could be wrong about this. I’m not sure if this is what you are experiencing or not? It’s hard to tell what your specific problem is.


FWIW I have used Venmo on a few transactions.

So I just got few hundred bucks and it has blocked lol
I added my documents scans and etc but it doesnt help xd
I dunno how do yyyou use it without any issues

Sounds like you are a new Paypal user with a recent G&S transaction. They do make you jump through a few hoops to release your money after the item arrived at the buy “as expected.” I can’t recall if the buyer has to do anything on their end to help the funds release.

I’m assuming you’ve communicated with Paypal or checked their FAQ for more information on the hold on your funds?


Guess who owns Venmo.



I guess we can start mailing envelopes of cash to each other.

But guess who owns the USPS

My snarky point being, they all suck


Are you based in Russia @Positron ? I know at least one person there who has had the same or a very similar issue.

Those who think we should abandon PayPal, what other payment methods would you suggest?

I’ve never had an issue with PayPal.


It has been around the longest so it’s kind of what everyone used back in the day and many have chosen to stick with it because it’s still fairly easy and the fees aren’t “terrible”. Plus they offer a little reassurance if you do get scammed, most of the time you can get your money back in some form. Since Paypal owns Venmo, most didn’t really see a need to switch.

Cash app is not so great for doing goods transactions because it’s easy to get scammed on it. They don’t really have a good infrastructure for that type of transaction.

There aren’t many good alternatives unfortunately.


What else you gonna use?


Those who use zelle to buy from me… i love you


Yes PayPal sucks. I’ve got 4 accounts banned already for no reason. And my official account is not eligible for using since early March 2022… Oh, and official doesn’t matter - my friend’s official account was also banned without reason

I hope crypto will become even more popular in near future. Easiest and the best way to send money wherever you want. Though, no defence in scam moments, but there are feedback threads and reputation for this matters.


Zelle rocks when you know the person well. I’ve never used Zelle for anyone I don’t know. They make you acknowledge several times that when you are done - it’s done - gone - you sent it - there’s no turning back. LOL! Even people I do know - I send $1 first to make sure they got it and lock in their contact details before sending more. :smile:


Yeah Zelle is great if you know the person. Cash app is meh at best.

PayPal and Venmo are same company so same same?

Apple Pay and google wallet and all those device specific aren’t great options.

I’m not doing a wire transfer or writing a check and send cash by mail is absurd I’m not my grandmother at a grocery store.

Facebook money… haha no.

So again and I’m actually asking what else?


Im trying to buy something from @Positron. Im based in CONUS and he is based in Kazakhstan.

Have any of you heard of this? Not sure what to think of it

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All my problems with PayPal have been when I was a new user and did not understand the system and how it tries to protect the users from eachother if bad actors are involved. I have come to appreciate the hoops they have protected me more than once.

Everyone have a great rest of the week.


So… the only thing in the way here is your ego, yes? :laughing: :rofl:

I’m just joking, I am aware that this would be super inconvenient and isn’t a viable alternative.


average a-rt fanboy