Reruns are never out of the equation if demand is there, but never the same colors again
Thank you!!
Already…lol yeah I meant to yesterday but lost track of time.
@Gurr has this moved to the next person?
Yep should have arrived today according to tracking
@rockstar has it arrived?
Hey…. Thank you Gary!! Centrifugal arrived today….Saturday!! Strung it up with this loose yellow strings in the box! Wow……no I mean WOW!!!
What a pleasant surprise…… light weight & powerful+ on my first throw too…… impressive I guess! I’ve not played with a yoyo so fast & powerful & size done so fine!!
Really anxious to hear more thoughts on it as you get more time with it! Thanks to everyone who has participated so far and taking a chance on our YoYo brand!! We try hard
Those are alphaline by Sochi and zipline feel free to take 2 for yourself! Motion is so sick though just got my kinetic in the mail today and it’s really awesome as well
Yes I found the Sochi & ziplines strings but I’d like to try a twisted string(can’t bring myself to break-up the red,white&blue strings in the bag)
Set the string free! It wants to be played! Been through at least two people it’s getting sad haha
Twisted string is pretty good. Use it. It’s worth it.
Watching this pay it forward go, if there is a chance to get added to the list I wouldn’t mind trying it out at some point. It’s honestly not a yo-yo I would have looked at but lots of great reviews in this thread peaking my interest.
I can add you to the list, be careful though, pretty much anyone that has played a Motion gets on board with the brand pretty quick.
@Beverchakus - I just realized you were on this list to try centrifugal - share your thoughts about accelerated, for those that don’t know he won the anti-banger and received Motion as the prize!
I have two Motions. So very nice.
I appreciate your support - I truly do
Am I on the list? It’s been a while I might’ve missed my turn?
First post has the updated list anyone who has already has it is blanked off should be coming your way after a few more users!