Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

MotionYoyos Centrifugal Review

Okay, so this is my first bimetal yoyo, and I wasn’t expecting much out of it. I thought It’s be a fun little thing for me to learn tricks on and whatnot. This was not the case at all.

First and foremost, this yoyo spins for an absolutely ridiculous amount of time while playing on the string. I’m pretty sure I was able to do both my front-style and side-style rail combo on the same throw, with a few meta tricks thrown in between. The stability of this yoyo is also amazing, and I absolutely love how strong it feels on the string. Also, this yoyo is fast, I banged out my fastest rail combo yet with this thing.

Next up, this yoyo is awesome for horizontal. When I throw a hard horizontal throw, this yoyo barely loses spin, and stays on the x axis.

Grinds: even with the shape and rims, this yoyo is awesome for thumb grinds, pretty good for finger grinds even without gloves, and it out fingerspins some of my other flat Hubbed yo-yos, even with its not optimal fingerspin spot.

The size of this yoyo is great as well, because it’s wide enough where hops and laceration tricks are stupid easy for me, but not too wide that tech and chopsticks and impaired at all.

Literally my only complaint is 1: I have to push just a little harder to reject the string, and 2: I don’t have 1 of these for myself.

Overall, if I had money, this would be my ideal competition yoyo, as well as my ideal 3A yoyo

9.5 out of 10
( And I will post a video of it in about 30 minutes, don’t you worry)


Thank you so much!!! :smiling_face:


Would you mind if I used this yoyo to perform on Saturday, and ship it out the same day?


Ship it out next week take your time


Thanks, I’ll post the performance here, guess that’ll be the ultimate stress test🤣


Post the video!


How did the performance go?!! Hopefully well!

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Is it too late to get in on this? :eyes: would love to be added to the list!


@JEA86 this beauty has landed at its next vacation spot. first time I’ve gotten my hands on a motion and this thing is impressive to say the least. absolutely gorgeous. can’t wait to spend some time getting to know it! thanks again for the opportunity and I’ll report back :call_me_hand:


well this has been really fun, thank you @JEA86 for the opportunity! your stated mission of generating interest in motion throws by getting them into ppls hands was a success in my case :+1:

centrifugal is an amazing yoyo! it’s the second bi metal I’ve tried. compared to my exia, on paper they’re very similar. it was interesting to compare the design differences and the results. exia has inner rims, so it feels dense and poweful, in addition to crazy smooth and stable. the centrifugal has the overhanging rims which resulted in it feeling lighter, but it retained every bit of the power and speed, and it’s stupid stable! you really have to actively work against it to push it off plane. i was quite surprised at just how powerful the spin was given how light it feels on the throw and on the string.

it looks amazing too! the profile, catch zone shape and feel in the hand are all amazing. the finish is fantastic and it grinds its butt off! it feels comfy to catch and the lighter feel makes it easy to play for extended periods of a couple hour sessions without feeling like your finger is gonna pop off on the next throw :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

having said all of that, admittedly I’m not a huge fan of the feel and aesthetic of the overhanging rims. it just feels thin and almost incomplete in a way :man_shrugging: but that’s obviously a personal preference, and a VERY minor gripe at that. there’s no denying the performance and it’s definitely way more capable than i am as a player. more than anything it makes me very interested in trying more motion designs :yo-yo:

@Tiffuhnie dm me where to send it and I’ll get it going to you asap. i have to travel some this weekend so it may be monday, but no later than


centrifugal is back in the wild!


Centrifugal landed earlier this week! Going to spend a few days with it before mailing out to the next :raised_hands:t2: