Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

I can already tell that this thing is FAST. Doesn’t feel like it has a lot of power until you start pushing it harder and harder. Almost feels like nothing on the string. Will provide more feedback as I get used to it but so far this is absurdly good


The one thing I will say about this yoyo is that I am unused to how it controls. Granted this is exacerbated most when I’m playing it with a shorter string than usual (I typically prefer near-excessively long string that goes to my waistline whereas the string that came with the yo stops in-between my sternum and bellybutton). With longer string that I’m used to the inaccuracy is mostly mitigated. I can also tell that this yo is meant for very experienced players and I still have a lot of growing to do to access this thing’s potential to its fullest.

TLDR: Sometimes hard to control for intermediate players. When I’m in the zone though it is perfectly controllable. Also probably the fastest yoyo I’ve ever played, even more so than my Hydrogen Crash.


@Benthrowsyoyo hows it going with it

Also if anyone is interested I have 2 A grades and 1 B grade left from the newest run of Centrifugal


My thoughts exactly. It’s a Rimac Concept 2.


I am ready to move it on to the next person! I had a great experience with it overall, especially trying to learn speed combos. Whenever you can just DM me the address of the next person and I’ll get it on its way.

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I’d love to get on the list for this! Been eyeing Motion yos

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@DumpsterWonder if you are still interested you are up please contact @Benthrowsyoyo

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It has shipped and is on its way to the next person!


Package received! Everything looks great. Been wanting a Motion for a while, glad for the chance to try one out. First impressions, it’s amazing. Not sure what I can add others haven’t at this point!


We ready to move this on to the next person?

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@DawgYo you are up if you are still interested

@Captrogers you are up contact @DumpsterWonder if you are still interested

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Ohh cool it’s back to me sure I’ll reach out.

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My time with the Centrifugal has come to an end and it’s on to to the next one!

Y’all. I’ve never played a yo-yo that made me want to try every one of the manufacturer’s other throws. This one hits all the right notes; it’s truly a beauty. Don’t know what your design process is @JEA86 but you gotta keep cranking these out!!! And while you’re at it, any chance we can get some reruns? Would love to get my hands on the one that started it all, and I’m sure I’m not the only one!


Thank you so much for the kind words!!

Figured it’s been a week let’s give an update on shipping. I’ve intentionally cut out its origin here but it’s making a few loops around NY as it decides if it wants to come give me a visit. 400 miles south near DC.

Still tracking its progress seems it got sent in the wrong direction and turned around and today it got processed to head back on its proper trajectory but it’s spent a fair bit of time with USPS this last week.


I’ve been having some major issues with USPS packages recently as well, maybe anecdotal since I’m basically on the other side of the continent. Had a few packages just get rerouted randomly at some of the USPS distribution centers. Hope it gets to ya!

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I had one yoyo go out of country before they figured out I was in Texas. Maybe they think Texas is a foreign country? :wink:

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It’s landed finally.
First impressions I really like the feel and the first throw felt good but time with it will give me more to say.

Also what is this rope of a green string? Legitimately made this responsive which was comical

Would be curious what the blue and white string are too I’m guessing white is OT but could be wrong.


Glad it arrived - unsure on the string as I didn’t put that in there

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