
My parents never had a problem with it because I use my own money to get my throws. And plus, they know that I finally have a hobby I stick with so they’re okay with it.
At least it gets me off the computer for a bit :]

Same thing with me.

You know what I don’t understand? Why it is such a big deal to parents. It is a hobby that requires practice, thought, discipline, skill and incorporates things like fine and gross motor coordination, increases your balance, hand-eye coordination. It only cost as much as you are willing to spend on it and in reality there is nothing negative to be said about it.

I think that throwing a yoyo is much better than say - going out and doing drugs, being a vandal…the list can go on and on. I think that sometimes parents believe something is a waste of time when they can’t understand or see value in it. If they only knew how much practice it takes and how much dedication it takes to stick with throwing and finally land each new trick.


My Mum’s pretty supportive of it, my Dad doesn’t really seem to care that much.

I’m at (boarding) school most of the week anyway, I’m only at home from Saturday afternoon to Sunday night anyway. My friends (who I live with) don’t seem to care much, they’re used to me just idly throwing as I talk to them. I was actually teaching one of them to throw on a YYF One but that seems to have stopped recently.

Back to the topic… My Mum actually, during the Easter holidays, (like Spring Break but 4 weeks long), looked up a YoYo shop in London and offered to take me there, just out of the blue. That’s when I got my Speeder and my X-Con. She likes that I’m doing something productive and she’s letting me go to Worlds this summer when our family’s in Orlando.

She also takes a class on Wednesday nights at my school, so she brings any packages containing string etc with her. She brought me my new Burnside yesterday!

My Dad occasionally catches a glimpse of me throwing and says, ‘You’re getting pretty good at that!’ That’s basically the extent of his support. :stuck_out_tongue:

My older sister thinks it’s amazing… A little nerdy, but amazing all the same. :stuck_out_tongue: She also painted my YYJ Pinnacle which looks amazing! (In my opinion)

My younger sister doesn’t pay much attention to my YoYoing.

Thank you so much!

My parents are very supportive. They are probably actually over supportive. So far they have bought me a code1 (which I love to death almost literally) for getting best show at a talent show at my school. They also bought me a protostar and maybe a $10 throw. this is over the course of 2 and 1/2 years.
The downside is they think I’m the best yoyoer ever. Whenever I go to a restaurant or something they want me to yoyo.
example: at my sisters birthday we went to hardrock cafe. while I was in the bathroom they told the waiter I was an awesome yoyoer and would perform on the “stage”/ middle of the restaurant. I told the waiter no. They kept pressuring me saying things like why not.

In my opinion yoyo’s are about having fun not getting recognized or entertaining. The best way to explain it is that I’m their puppy and they instruct me to do a trick. When I do the trick they take all the credit.
that was just one night and they usually don’t bother me about it much besides a few times. Probably because my mom has been watching me at yoyo club and see’s better players.

That’s my story. but what do I have to complain about , it could be worse

I agree. I’m 12, and my parents are fine with yoyoing and everything, until it comes down to buying a yoyo. I use my own money, but they still give me all this grief. It’s ot like I’m buying a CLYW or a One Drop or anything. I’ve never payed more than $48.78 on a yoyo. (My DMII) At least I’m not wasting more than that for Call of Duty or a Sport Necklace/Armband thingy, which is just a piece of fabric/rubber that people buy because of the placiebo effect.

You know what I find odd, the parents I know are so ready to spend upwards of $60 on a video game for their kid so they can sit in front of a tv all day long but they complain about spending anywhere from $45 - $150 and up on a yoyo which is honestly more engaging than a video game. At least throwing gets you on your feet, thinking and moving and challenging something more than just your eyes. I did a report once on how many mechanisms of the body are used in throwing a yoyo for beginner tricks and the list I compiled was around 17 different neurological response systems and nearly every muscle in the body. A video game…hmm less than a quarter of that and even then I’d be stretching it.

And thank you so much for knowing that those “balance bracelets” are nothing but useless plastic. You have no idea how many people I have to tell that to.

Well at least it gets us off of playing video games or watching tv. My parents are fine with it they just think it cost alot of money for the yo-yos.

And people say magic is for little kids. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s funny when they believe that it actually does something. Your paying $30 for a silicone wristband. Now that’s a ripoff.

My parents blame any poor grade I get on yoyoing. I’m 15 going into my sophomore year of high school!

Most parents just want you to take care of responsibility, show initiative, and show signs that you will have a successful future. They want to be proud of what you are and who are. I know, it’s hard to believe for some of you at this time in your lives. Growing up is tough, tougher for some than others, but it’s tough for parents too.

So let me ask you this, why does it frustrate your parents that you yoyo? Move past yoyoing, and think about your relationship with your parents and actually try to understand what drives their actions and maybe you’ll be better able to understand why they act and say the things they do. You may not like it, but at least you might be able to understand the reason and appreciate the concern.

Just saying, parents and kids really don’t get to spend that much time together. It’s really a shame not to capitalize on the time you get.

My guess is if your parents are on you for yoyoing they’re on you for other things as well. Maybe it’s time to communicate and find the meaning in it and solve the issue as family members.

@Studio: My eyes hurt! Always love what you have to say but I have a request, crib notes please ;D !

My parents don’t care. They think that it is cool. As long as I don’t spend money that I need, and as long as I get my school work, and do my chores, then they don’t care.

My parents are ok with it and support it as much as they can. I throw hammer too and that takes up almost all of my time during training season along with school and it’s nice to sit back and relax and grab a yoyo sometimes, and they understand that. My mom just doesn’t like me spending my money, but hey i got a grant this year for hammer throwing and i dont have any other hobbys so why not? As long as you’re having fun with it dont worry about what your parents think about it, they will come to accept it someday (hopefully). Just dont let it become the only thing you do, go outside, hangout with friends, play sports. For almost everyone its a relaxing hobby and shouldn’t be taken much further than that. Just keep throwing and having fun!!

I know. And none of them believe me.

Haha, niice.

I’m 16, and only a beginner learning split the atom, and my mother is already amazed. So I can’t see any problems coming. ;3

My parents don’t mind buying me a throw from time to time, nor do they care if spend my own money either because they know I’m not spending it on other things…

thats awesome!!


Sorry, I’m just bringing us further and further off topic…

Yeah, not to mention learning how to go up on stage and not be nervous and just have fun.