Had this Oxy To sent to me for a polish job. Never having had the opportunity to strip ano off the Ti before Iwas a bit concerned with protecting it. I have bead blasted Ti before and you get a nice show of sparks but I wanted to stay with my recent “minimal impact” theory I’ve developed lately.
After a pm out to the ano master himself and getting my concerns connfirmed by him I did some research and found nitric acid is often used to strip ano off of Ti . Not having any interested in possible bodily harm using nitric acid and not wanting to polish out the bead blast I just went ahead and used my usual. No not paper.
Ano basically is falling off and gets polished along the way, or will be when done stripping. I have some before and after pics that I will be putting up. Right now just a small spot is stripped but enough to get the idea. Complete strip and polish pics will follow.
Third pic on the right hand side of the yoyo shows the small stripped and almost polished area.