Overused words

Thought you were clever, Cody?

nyyr section :stuck_out_tongue:

which is better

Like sheesh, just get out…

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Overused phrase: I cant land x, should I get a new yoyo?

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Luckily this thread is not in the NYYR section. People be comin’ up in my thread bein’ hilarious and crap with “the”, and “and”.

Over-used word:


(uh oh! Just crapped on someone’s parade!)

I have reasons to believe this thread was created so that one certain person would stop saying “legit”. ;D Very overused since I noticed it as well as like 10 other people that posted.

I think that would be a very legit reason.

(wait, we’re over-using it!)


Would you rather have people say “Legitiment” or maybe, “Boss”, or even, “Pownermcawesomespazatron.” :-\

i think that the 4xl is…



People who think legit is overused are obviously not that word.
I could use “awesome” but seeing as how that got overused by me quite a bit, it was time for something new.

And I agree with pat, you dweebs need to learn to read.

Gotta fly.


It’s not learning to read. I still believed that there was another motive in mind ;D Guess I’m wrong!

I wouldn’t say you overuse legit, but perhaps the context in which you use it can sometimes be annoying.

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Yeah it is.

Because the motives of others always lines up with yours? EDIT: Jayyo is just the center of my freakin’ attention, isn’t he? Right. Note how everyone said it but me.

You are.


Over used:
‘This topic has been moved to ______________’

LMFAO BRONIES!! are awesome (they really are though)


If people put their threads in the right place to begin with we wouldn’t have this issue.

lets just kill this thread, now.