Organic yo-yos?

Compete!!! You will regret not getting up on stage. The first freestyle will most likely be a disaster, but that’s ok! You have to get through that first one.

It doesn’t matter at all if you win or loose. 'Specially your first time. It only gets easier and more fun the more and more you get up on stage.

Seriously, i may be one of the best players to take this advice from. I’ve been yoyoing a long time. I’m sponsored. I compete at every contest i go to. Even worlds. BUT, i am NOT a competitive player. My odd 5A tricks do not score well, i’m a sweaty nervous wreck when i’m up there. I know i’m not going to win. But i know i’m going to have fun.

My one and only goal (2 goals) with competing 1. Landing my hard tricks on stage in front of everyone would just give me the best feeling ever. Last place or first. I just wanna hit my hard tricks in a high pressure environment. Second goal is fun, which it always is.

I think i have got up on stage about 7 times now. ONE time i had a decently clean run and got 3rd at pnwr 5A.
All other freestyles i have pretty much bombed. But it was SO MUCH FUN. I

Forget all the nitty gritty and just have fun!! And competeing is fun! Make it a personal challenge for you, instead of trying to beat everyone else. Do your tricks, at your pace with the yoyo you want to the song you want. Do it for you and no one else.

Yoyo will be much less stressful for you if you just relax a little bit and throw.


Those are actually remarkably close in shape! I haven’t looked at that side of the haymaker before. But yeah Tone rips. Only thing i have against it is that it does not tolerate skill issues by the user well and requires an unusually deft hand (which i frequently don’t have). As long as you’re on your A game, however, the tone will help keep you that way. Just don’t be surprised if you get a couple pretty hard hand collisions during the adjustment period.

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