Organic yo-yos?

I’ve seen so many people raving about how much they like organic yoyos (especially d bearings) and I don’t actually own any, so what’s the hype? I’ve seen them used for 5a mostly but 1a as well. What would be a good competition organic that I might try? Tia!
Edit: competition is not the best word, I just mean like really advanced, like 2.5 hook level
Edit 2: I am not a great 1a player, I haven’t even won a competition at my school in 1a lol. (Just for context I am by far the best thrower at my school, I’ve won every 5a competition and 2a twice even tho I don’t do it much anymore. I would just like a fun throw to do my-semi advanced tricks (2.0 hook, horizontal 1.5, black hops, reverse Brent stole etc)


Competition and Organics dont usually fall in the same sentence.

What is your budget for this yoyo?


what we like about organics is usually the old school feel and added dificulty. organics not going to be your cup of tea if your into comp style yoyos but doesn’t hurt to snag like a plastic 000 and have some fun or a koi and see what the fuss is without breaking the bank

or a yyf kommune in the a mayzing sale. those are fun organics that are super cheap to try the play without much lose


Something like the MCMO Nickel.

I’d like to try a FD VHS, even if it’s technically a step straight and not an organic.

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I enjoy this one.

I wouldnt necessarily call it a true organic.

This may be closer to what you are already used too.


Closest “organic” that is competition oriented that I’ve tried is a Thesis Hypothesis. Not really a true organic but a rounded shape on a bimetal comp throw that can put in some work

By competition I mean like advanced. Like what you would hit 2.5 hooks with

Like 150usd maybe idrk

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For one, they’re much more comfortable in the hand/on a catch. But they just have a different feel in general than what you typically get to experience with competition-oriented throws - aspects like, flow, floatiness, and/or controlability, among more enigmatic descriptors. Some (possibly myself included) would describe them as more fun, but others have the most fun with a throw that helps them push their tricks to the max.

If you want something organic without compromising performance, I’d recommend looking for a PDX-Yo Batsquatch. There are other throwers who’ve played more than I have who could help you with more budget-friendly options.

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Get the Top Yo T.R.Y… You won’t be disappointed. Spin time is superb, and the yoyo excels at almost every trick. It’s perfect and very affordable. Great shape. Soooo good. PS: I don’t think the specs are right. It’s more like 44 width not 46. T.R.Y. yo-yo by Top Yo – YoYoExpert


Is the beater any good? It looks cool and meets all my preferences

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I haven’t heard good things about it, tbh. The GWAY saboteur is good. But the T.R.Y. is great while not compromising performance.

Thank you!

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No problem. Although not organic, I also recommend the UNPRLD Method. It’s so good I use it every day.

Organic D bearing’s are my jam! I started throwing at the start of the “mid school” era when Organic wasn’t even a yoyo term. That said, it’s just what i’m used to and what i’m comfortable with. Not D bearings though, those are new to me as of about a year ago but i fell in love with every aspect of them. The power, speed, larger surface area response pads, TIGHT binds.

Even though V shapes are objectively better for 5a and i’ve given them many many chances, they just do not feel good in my hand and i really dislike the way super low walls feel during play (opposite of organics) i never had a problem hitting my tricks back in the day on those skinny gapped, highwalled yoyos so todays organics are a walk in the park to play. So i stick with organics. And D bearings are just… so nice to play.


Great shout, super nice yoyo.

I also add the Duncan GTR-JS, is not an organic per se, not a pure one, but is comfortable to handle and very rounded it kind of resemble an organic a bit

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I like yoshicuda when I want an organic but comp feeling throw. It plays similarly enough to my end 2/mechabape/sudo (3 favorite yo-yos and 3 best organics.

Another couple honorable mentions that I’m not sure are available anymore, unfortunately, are literally anything from Turner Return Tops. They have some kinda magic in their throws. Some of the most stable organics I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. You can definitely still find a buoy which is a great throw but I think Cenote might be one of the best organic yo-yos of all time. There might still be some sugar sand colorways available at some retailers. I haven’t checked in awhile. Isthmus is a great slimline organic. I can’t even fathom how they got that much power and stability in a throw that size.

Throw spiral kappa is also really good. You could probably find one on the bst.

The Beater is great. The Saboteur is better. The yoyofriends Koi is also excellent and extremely affordable.

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I’m seeing allot of Hs being recommended in an O thread which kind of goes back to the if your looking for something more comp focused it’s probably not going to be entirely round but I do recommend finding something organic to try.

This goes into the slim/ undersized/ high wall make you more accurate and stay on plane better argument where taking harder to use yo-yos forces you to adjust your play and in turn makes you a better yoyoer

This is also why allot of people have argued there’s no harm in trying multiple styles as every style is a focus of a different element and makes you overall better at YoYo.

For example 0A stall play can help you get way more consistent in landing on the string, 2A is all regens and gets those locked in and so on.

Some of the best players know multiple styles and use smaller or more difficult to play yo-yos to hone something they are struggling on to land it more frequently. Also I think grinding the same routine over and over can be numbing and breaking it up with something different occasionally probably staves off burn out which in any activity is a real concern.

So far I’ve seen allot of posts from you with a desire to be sponsored and be focused on a certain style for comp but do keep in mind if your not keeping this activity fun it’ll become a chore so branching into the fun parts of the hobby is a good idea. Just my two cents though


Sense next journey fits the bill at $35. It has an organic feel with great spintime and stability.

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