Organic yo-yos?

I mean you can hit 2.5 with a fireball if you’re good enough at the trick. It will just be harder than with other yo-yos. It’s a sliding scale and not like a fixed output. Organics are fun and feel good but maybe less op at crushing tricks. That doesn’t make them worse yo-yos, but means your technique has to be less sloppy and more on point. No Yoyo is going to like not be able to hit tricks, it will just require more precision.


Yeah that’s true watch Ed haponik make a Duncan imperial look like a powerhouse then give that a try and realize it’s all skill and the YoYo is just a tool…


I love the End 2. If I competed, I’d use it.

If an End 3 bimetal was ever made, man, it’d be what you were asking for

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Please check our organic yoyos !


I got a VHS in the mail yesterday and I love it. It feels more powerful than it looks. I’d say it’s a great candidate for OP.


Do yourself a favor and grab this Pomodoro by atmos.


Nate Martsolf does Black Hops in his review of the Rain City Skill Busker.

(Also Beef Hook.)

My suggestion is that rather than looking for an organic that is closest in performance/capability to non-organics (especially competition focused), get a truly good organic that has the best chance of demonstrating why this shape is still popular.

E.g. for $150 you should be able to track down a Markmont Classic or Magnum Opus.


I think its worth trying a recess first base just to get a feel for how it handles since it has a very strong organic feeling but is a bit more forgiving than a high walled Duncan freehand. performs very well for 20 ish dollars and is very capable of handling the tricks you mentioned. the shape is very similar to the MCMO so if you like the first base, you should really like the MC or MCMO (probably with ultralight SEs.)


Would you guys consider the Haymaker OG to be organic?

Thanks for your concern lol. Recently I’ve been doing more of what I enjoy (less 5a comp freestyle grinding, more soloham, using whatever throws I want instead of just c3). I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll probably never get to the level that c3 will notice me, since big YouTubers and stuff with a looot more skill than me only have lower sponsorships, like beverchakus or Dylan kowalski (no offense). Still don’t really know what “being sponsored” really entails. Been considering not competing at us nats cuz no one is gonna root for me and I’m prolly not gonna get past prelims so eh.


It’s really fun, just heavy so get ready for that

Once again:

Organics are NOT optimized at all for comp, they’re just for feel purposes, anyways, go buy a beater or something

Has anyone mentioned the Atmos Stormberry? Honestly though I think the Ekta is just as comfortable in hand and plays better than anything I’ve ever tried.

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Kinda a generic answer, but the Godspeed probably has one of the most competitive organic hybrid designs.

Definitely nobody’s favorite “organic,” and certainly not a pure one, but the combination with a V shape is probably the most competitive hybrid design you are going to get with a more rounded yoyo.

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We’re all rooting for you, friend!. You just got to put yourself out there and compete. Go for it and let it happen organically!! Have fun with it and you’ll have a better chance of getting noticed. It’s a long road though so don’t get discouraged. Some of these sponsored players have been at it for many years.


Compete anyway not for the sponsorship or because you’re well known or not but for yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead compare your current self to your past self and mark the improvements.

Have fun with it. Challenge yourself to be better and achieve.

Sponsorship generally is what value can you add to the brand. That’s the equation. Find something you can add to a brand you like and show them that value. That’s how you get somewhere if you want something.


Other this perfect post written by the Captain, I wanted just to add that if you would like to compete is important to start asap, the first times it will be awful and will go probably very bad, your hands will shake, you will be “worried” and the end of the routine will be the best feeling you will ever have.

This apply for the first times, the more you will do the more you will get comfortable, the more you will want to compete, the more your position will be higher, the more you will start to nail your tricks, the more you will start to increase the difficulty of your routine.

But if you never start or try, you will never know and you will never learn.

I remember the first time I had my exam and my concert with classical guitar, I was shaking, I was even forgetting the piece and need to read the score every now and then, my hands were sweating like a madman, not my best exhibition for sure but it was done, the time after I already know what to expect and slowly slowly I get accostumed to it until arrive to play like I was alone in my bedroom, it is just a matter of time and experience.

Do not put yourself down, go for it, enjoy the bad times as you will enjoy even more when the times will become good!

About sponsorship be realist, from what I understood you didn’t started long ago, you will not gonna get sponsored at the moment, it doesn’t matter the brand, just play like there is no tomorrow, increase your skills as much as you can, create your own game, your style, your signature tricks, aim for the best, do not leave details out, create stuff that you proud of and the sponsor will come, trust me!


You also seem young so I don’t know how much I want to give this advice as it can lead in a bad direction but it is valuable for starting any brand/business. Learn to differentiate. If you want to be known you can’t just be another person good at “x” you need to create a persona or brand that people identify you with. Think of throws n brews. Or heck think of your favorite YouTube channel. The people on said channel even if it’s a genuine persona are still distilling a certain trait of theirs into a video for your consumption they aren’t 100% on that level all the time all day.

The best analogy I think I can give that’s current is you won’t be noticed if your just a chocolate brand that tastes like chocolate because Hershey already does that really really well and won’t let you cut in on their turf but if your mr beast with his really distinctive brand making chocolate Hershey can’t stop you from being noticed because there’s more than just good chocolate involved.

If your goal is to be known find a niche and play a bit into it. Gentry plays into the good looking and kind role model role to stay super relevant, (ignoring other thing) Angelo plays into his god speed success and uses that as a format.

I’m not saying change yourself but what I’m trying to get at is look at what’s going on today and see if you have any skill or ability or interest possibly outside of YoYo you can play into to be known for something.

Don’t let this stop you if your goal is to be the best 5A player then do it that can be your difference but that’s a hard one and takes time.


Only yoyo that i can think of that meets the qualifications of being both organic and compy is the YYR Tone. Very good at tech, stable, and ferociously powerful. Has the personality of an organic while having the feel and performance of a bimetal. It’s worth noting tho that the tone isn’t a full organic shape and is more of a cross between organic and V.

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That Tone is a nice looking throw. I was asking earlier what people thought of the Haymaker OG and I think your comment on how this one incorporates a bit of hybrid V in there kinda hits the mark. I think theHaymaker OG is quite similar to this. In fact the Tone looks very close to a sized up version. Though I do notice a slight bit of inversion on the inner walls that remains an O curve on the OG. Either way…I’ll bet that Tone is a fabulous throw!!

Haymaker OG
Haymaker OG