Order of Preferences: Weight, Size & Shape

Weight: at least 64, and I don’t like to go above like 68

Size: mid-full sized 54-57mm diameter

Shape: organic/ butterfly

There has been mention of the materials used, but I also considered adding the “finish,” as a category too, but wanted to keep this narrow to avoid the topic being too broad. Feel free to discuss it here. I love blasted finishes, but polished has it’s benefits too. I’d say blasted is my favorite, in terms of feel, but some are better than others. Nothing beats polished in the looks department though.

I would agree, polished looks great. It has one big drawback for me that I just can not get past. I don’t know what part of the country you live in but here in Ohio we get some funky humid days. Polished yoyos get so darn sticky on those days to the point that I just don’t want to touch them.