Option to unstick the new navbar?

Hey guys I see the forum is getting some updates and so far they look pretty neat but I do have one thing that is a bit bothersome and was wondering if there were going to be any site / forum settings to enable or disable certain features within our profiles?

The new nav bar that is always floating is kinda distracting and takes up quite a bit of valuable screen real estate when scrolling. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a user-defined option to choose to stick it or unstick it so it would scroll away with the rest of the contents of the site when you scroll?


this userscript will disable that:

(function() {
    'use strict';

    //disable sticky header + sticky avatars in posts
    var css = `
        .d-header-wrap {
            position: relative !important;
        .topic-post.sticky-avatar .topic-avatar {
            position: relative !important;
            top: unset !important;

    //just inject at the top of every page
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';

    console.log('Custom CSS injected for YoYoExpert Forums -- fradiger');

Tampermonkey for Firefox will install it


This navbar is horrendous

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Is this on desktop I’m guessing?

It ‘might’ be a few pixels taller - but the previous theme still had a top nav bar that still ‘stuck’… So that didn’t change… we did tweak it so it was more prominent as rounded rectangle. My goal with this was more to distinguish the fact that you were on the forum versus the rest of the website… But maybe when it scrolls it feels better when its full width and thats what is annoying?


Work in Progress

The red is pretty distracting, It feels like a constant notification. I don’t mind the icon change but I would prefer the original color.

Has there been an issue with people being confused where they are at on the website? I feel like it was already easy to tell where I was.


Cool - I’ll play around with it.

The red was to distinguish from the header of the website itself being pretty close to black since when we added it - it was a very large big black block at the top on desktop - but this kind of feedback helps for sure! It’s probably a combination of the color and the shape especially when it scrolls which makes sense.

With everyone using different screen sizes too one person’s experience can be very different from another so this is helping me get a better picture. Thanks!



This is the main issue I have right now, the icon being cut off, my browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0 @ 1440p

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Oh shoot, well, now I feel like a doofus hahaha! I guess I didn’t realize it was floating when you scroll before maybe being full width like you said made it less obvious. I’m sure I’ll get used to the new one over time. Thanks for the response I appreciate it.

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in my opinion, stylistically speaking, the old looks much better than the new red. having it extend the width of the window looks more uniform than having a ‘floating’ rectangle with rounded corners. kind of breaks a lot of standard/best practice design rules when it comes to nav bars.

also the home icon appears different depending on which browser you’re on and again, stylistically speaking, the colors do not fit the theme of the rest of the website. there’s no easy fix for that though unless you were to just recolor the home yourself to YYE colors…

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For now you can also change your theme in the interface settings to yoyoexpert dark to get the old layout back :slight_smile: just comes with a few weird coloring tradeoffs


As it is right now with the red fading into the black is sick! This works fine for me but is the house emoji permanent? I miss the YYE logo.


Yeah - was saying the same - the house icon was a default thing and is getting changed too - we were still just working through iterations.


Dang that looks pretty nice!

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