Online Contest by MonkeyfingeR Design!! Giving away a Yo-yo


You should be good then

Wordd! More companies should do contests like yall do!

when I was like 6 I crossed my eyes for 1 minute straight to show that I would be fine afterwards… Oh well.

Update: aside from the yoyo for first place, there will be a mystery runner up prize. The winner of this one will be chose at random from all entries, so even if you don’t pull of the craziest trick, just entering gives you a shot!

Thats awesome! Cuz Im no good :stuck_out_tongue: andi just saw this today cuz i dont check contests much… And uhh, i donthave like a bandana or blindfold… Can i like just use a towel or something? XD

I think anything that covers your eyes will be fine. :wink: One contestant wore a hoodie backwards. I thought that was pretty clever.

Dude if u couldnt see why did u look up during the sky bind?

He barely did, and it was probably just force of habit…

Plus, when you’re throwing, a valid option for trying to get through the trick is to “visualize” it. If you’re imagining you’re seeing it, you’re probably going to look where it is in your mind’s eye.

Here’s my entry.

Dude, that was nutty. Like, seriously mind-blowing.

But I’ll be the meanie to ask: is it a completed trick if you don’t bring the yoyo back to your hand? I mean, as far as I’m concerned I would “allow” the trick; however, what I think matters zero.

Maybe MFD could chime in. If they say, “yoyo must come back to hand” you would still have time to resubmit. Otherwise, if they say, “meh, whatever, as long as it’s impressive” your job is done. :wink:

I was wondering that too, but the rules didn’t specify. It’s no problem if I have to do it again.

Haha! Love it. A trick that would be stupid-hard for me WITHOUT a blindfold and you’re game for doing it again if you need to. When I did a relatively slow-paced Spirit Bomb with one missed bind (then a good one), I threw in the towel. :wink:

I don’t know if you have any other videos, but I can only imagine they’d have some killer tricks with no blindfold involved!

I’ve been doing the trick for years to the point where I can do it with minimal misses, so that helps.

I promise I couldn’t see a thing. After watching a couple of failed takes I noticed that even though i was doing the trick with my eyes closed, my head was still moving along as if I was looking at the trick. I guess it was out of habit, because i didnt even realize my head was moving! I tried to keep my head as still as possible during this take so that it wouldn’t look shady but it seemed that my head has a mind of its own. :slight_smile:

Only stuff in 1A is allowed? Just wondering.

Any style would be fine. I wanna see someone land some complicated 3a blindfolded!

Ok! Great job!!!

when will the winner be announced

COntest is now closed, decisions are being made, I’ll do my best to post the winner here as soon as the monkey kings have decided.