Hey, I’m going to travel soon to somewhere, and I’m not sure if it’s safe to bring the YYJ Thin Lube on the airplane. Any guesses?
It says Non-Pettroleum, but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s 100% safe having that you can’t even bring water to the airplane =.=
If it’s under 3.4oz it should be fine.
Question, Why do you need lube on the airplane? Haha. Just lube your bearings before you get one.
I’m going on a 2 month vacation, and I’m buying a new bearing there, so I’m sure I’ll need my lube.
Put it in your luggage. Don’t carry it with you. If you have doubts, put it in a ziploc bag.
Problem solved.
I’ve done this before. I’ve traveled to Singapore many times, and I always to go yoyo shop there, and a lot of times I’ll buy a bottle of YYJ Thin Lube. All I do is throw it in a Ziploc, and put it in my luggage, not carry on. I’ve never gotten in trouble for having it, so it should be okay.
2 month vacation?! Wow I’m so jealous! I can’t even afford a 2 day staycation.
It might also be a cool idea to call your airline and ask them what the guidelines are. Their website may also contain that information.
You don’t even need your yoyos to be in your luggage. Carry on has worked fine for me, and I travel with my throws quite often. (Oh yeah, 700th post!)