One handed bind

Hi guys does someone know how to do that bind Evan used 2018 at the us nationals ( I think Connor also used it at scales internationals but he messed it up: 1:20 )Please tell me if someone made a tutorial or could someone do a tutorial?
He is doing it at 1:30

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I can’t tell whether that’s a bind or not, but it looks like a iron whip. Try looking through Evan’s trick collection with yotricks on yt if you haven’t already.

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Yeah, I don’t see a bind there either, and it does look like an Iron Whip. Thanks for getting me to watch that again!

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I don’t mean the bind by its own i mean the whip and this chopsticks mount before

I tried to go into a normal (throwhand) chopstick mount turn around an do something like a plastic whip like thing but it doesn’t work. All I want to now is how to get into this mount

To me it looks like a normal iron whip over his head while turning around. I think he’s swinging it in an arc over his head and then does the rejection while turning. Seems really hard and probably just takes a lot of practice. If I were to try and learn it I would just start with an iron whip mount.

Yea I just tried it out go into trapeze and brother and drop your non throw hand (or do plastic whip), then insert your throwhand in the loop so the string is resting on the back of your knuckles. When you swing it up the loop will wrap around into your hand and then you reject it and do the whip. It’s hard I would practice just the overhead rejection and whip part first and when you can do that incorporate the turning around part.

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