Ok, was curious how much I was going to be donating toward your business haha ;D
Appreciate that. As always we will try and make it as reasonable as possible. With the bead blast and everything that has gone into this yoyo, it will be higher than our average for sure.
Having real issues deciding between clear and black!
If I fall in love I might have to pick up a nickel, as well. Will they be blasted?
More Sovereigns!
Can’t wait for those T1’s and Gradients posted on your Flickr. Gonna grab me one of each plus a Dang. Maybe a Valor. So many nice OD’s coming out. Any plans for more Code 1’s in the works?!
Well I better start saving I suppose…
Same question here!
Only saved up $100, I should probably get $20-$30 more just to be on the safe side ;D
Yes please.
I third this motion.
4 in the hopes of money to come.
Also. I saw the silver plating on Instagram. That needs to be on the Markmont Classic.
Mmm… Blue…
I’m not going to be able to choose a color when you guys finally release these.
I thought the same thing. The silver looks amazing, and would also tarnish with time. Perfect fit for the Classic.
Not sure what I’m going to get when this comes out. On Facebook they said they aren’t done releasing colors. Hoping more colors are going to be shown soon.
As of right now the Black and the unreleased Nickel are going to be a must for me right off the bat.
Not me. I vote: Sovereign 2
While the first Sovereign was a great yo-yo for its time, I think yoyo design has come a long way since. I would love to see a new, improved Sovereign. No organic shape - that ground has been covered (Sovereign, Ricochet, Markmont anything). I would like to see something a bit more like the Valor or the Rally.
Ooh good idea.
Eh, I’m a sucker for organic shapes though. I couldn’t care less about the performance ability of the shape of a yoyo, I care about how it feels in my hands when I’m throwing it, and organics just feel better to me. My organics still perform well above my abilities, and my goal in throwing isn’t to achieve super high-level abilities anyways, so it’s not like I’m looking for all of my throws to be performance beasts that can compete with the top dogs of the latest yoyo design.
Also, if they went for a different shape it would need/deserve a different name than the Sovereign 2. Usually incremental numbers in yoyos are minute changes to small things about the design. A change from an organic to something V shaped like the Valor or Rally is too big of a change to just slap the 2 on there.
Titanium valor would be sick. I’m not about that organic life. I think OD could do some special things with a “competition style” titanium.
This is a Fabulous idea !!! I vote for this…