One Drop YoYos Official News

sigh… get out your wallets hahahaha

blue or red? Im thinking red. These look amazing.

Great job One drop!

I don’t have any red yoyos right now. Maybe this should be a red one. :wink:

That said, my first impulse order of preference had red pretty far down:

  1. Purple
  2. Gunmetal Gray
  3. Clear
  4. Blue
  5. Red
  6. Green
  7. Goldenish

Somebody swap halves with me. I want half purple, half gold!

my colors i would like to see

  1. gunmetal gray
  2. gunmetal grey
    3.gunmetal grey
  3. gunmetal grey
  4. gunmetal grey
    6.gunmetal grey
    7.gunmetal grey
    8.gunmetal grey
    9.gunmetal grey

But they just showed those colours.

For some reason the green is the standout color for me in this batch, although Paul seemed to indicate Nickle is going to be available too but that’s harder to photograph for the Museum :slight_smile: Green and Purple halves would be very cool looking, can’t do purple and gold because the Celtics fan in me would just die.

Purple and Gold for life! Black Mamba is coming back better then ever!

Shouldn’t you be a Blazers fan? :slight_smile:

Blazers are doing great things, but my main focus are the Lakers!

This may sound crazy in 4 months I’ve been yoyoing I’ve bought over 40.
I just bought all three benchmarks and a rally if there as good for me as everyone else says by the end of the year I plan on buying at least one of every od yoyo that is currently available. So I hope they are as good as people are claiming.

It isn’t really a claim anymore. It’s kind of become a fact.
If you don’t like something they have now, you’re bound to like something they release in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

I like your style

The Gradient looks great! Can’t wait to get one!

Any restocks of the Valor planned soon? I missed out. Would love to have one.

Any updates of the General-Yo One Drop Collaboration?

Let’s hear about the Classic. Markmont Classic.

Valor restock coming soon :slight_smile:

The collab is going to take some time. It will be worth it though.

That is great news!

You can’t rush greatness (unless we’re talking about the Summit, which is still one of my favorite yoyos of all time), I will wait patiently. 8)

Team member Graeme Steller takes a lovely stroll with his brother around town and shows us his signature yo-yo, the Gradient!

Releasing tonight!

that was an awesome video and man I could never get my brother to film with me he would more or less harass me the whole entire time.

Tell him you’ll buy him lunch! Works with my friends all the time!

Why does yye always release after Japanese sites? Timezones?