One Drop YoYos Official News

oh man those look amazing

Whoop whoop.

I’m having a difficult time deciding whether the “Benchmark Series” are a better value than the “Rally”. It’s really a Toss-Up in my opinion.

I just received all three of the shapes, and find them all to be excellently crafted YoYo’s.
They will make perfect gifts to the boys I’m mentoring who have all been wanting me to teach them how to throw a YoYo.

Both these and the Rally will be perfect for just this situation.

Anyone mix and matched the different style halves? Should actually play really well with the weights being the same.

What are the odds of additional runs in other solid colors? I would love to obtain all three in solid black…

Well on OD facebook page they have shown the 3 in what I assume the next run colors will be in clear AL, purple and orange.

Not sure if this is official.

FINALY GOT A Format: C!!! So awesome! Best OD i have tried, witch leaves me to a question for the OD fan boys, what should hunt for next? I already have a:

Code1 and 2
2X Cascades
And a yelets in the mail.

Should i focus on getting a dang? Or a Benchmark, and witch one?

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The Summit is really amazing if you’re cool with a collab.

If not you should really get a Project, where it all began, that unmatchable feeling you get from OD yoyos, all roots from the Project.

Benchmarks should be really nice as well, and the Valor should be coming very soon.

ETA for new Benchmark colors at YYE?

ETA on Valor?

been forever!

Yeah, I had a summit, it was to heavy. And I also tried a project, I’m mainly deciding on witch is the best benchmark.

What’s a yetlets?

It’s a conspiracy. A new odxclyw a Yelets mixed with a yeti. Lol I actually think he meant Yelets.

Dem Yetlets tho

You know the Cascade is heavier right? ::slight_smile:

That doesn’t necessarily mean it plays heavier.

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If you put Domes on a Summit it ALMOST feels like a Cascade. It gives it a good amount of float, not cascade floaty but still floaty.

Well after all, half of it’s design was based off of the Cascade :3

A power outage we experienced last year set us back on Side Effect production. We’re working as quickly and efficiently as we can to catch up on demand. More Benchmark Series coming to YoYoExpert soon!

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Nickel plated Benchmark Series 2013 arriving to YoYoExpert soon!

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