Depends on the video, there is one for each yoyo in the Benchmark series. Each video features a One Drop team member, here is the breakdown.
Benchmark O: Andrew Daugherty
Benchmark H: JT Nickell
Benchmark V: Paul Dang
Depends on the video, there is one for each yoyo in the Benchmark series. Each video features a One Drop team member, here is the breakdown.
Benchmark O: Andrew Daugherty
Benchmark H: JT Nickell
Benchmark V: Paul Dang
No drawback. The machining operation is slightly longer but not by much. That is why the price is the same for single and double.
Any plans for a run of Anniversary Projects this year? Not sure if you guys stopped doing that a long time ago or if it’s still a thing.
Watch Paul and Andrew assemble Rallys today.
Dat oinge.
I would dig a mixed halves orange and blue. I wonder who would do that with me…
I might have to take you up on that offer
I might have to pick up a black to swap halves with my raw.
That actually sounds like a good idea… I’d probably buy one of each because I’m thinking I could do some awesome art on it… It looks a bit like portal ;O
Will we ever see a Neon Orange body? Because if not I’ll get one of these. Orange And White Plastic are my favorite.
I’m sure over time we’ll do most of the colors people want but it will take a while. At our current rate, we are doing a run every 1-2 months.
So I’m assuming you liked the north stars original colours.
I got say them clear rally’s are great players.
Hey guys. Just wanted to say I love the whole benchmark series idea and will definitely be picking some up. Thank you for being innovative and intelligent enough to come up with the idea and following through with it. I know the whole idea is to keep costs down and this will obviously increase the price but … and I am sure you guys already have this in the works but… I would love to see these done in colorways. If a “pancakes” or “hairband” etc… O or V popped up on YYE tonight I , being strapped for cash with the holidays, may have to go sell blood or some other extreme measure to acquire the money, to make sure I got it before it sold out. Also want to say those new Rally’s are really doing something for me , the clear with the colored rings. I am really liking those a lot and may have to get one. I am sure I am about to be singled out and openly lashed with a reply for something I said but I am also sure that someone over there doesn’t mind hearing ideas from consumers from time to time, even though this one is obvious and I am sure it has come up before although i couldn’t find it.
Thanks man! We’ll definitely do some non-solid color Benchmarks at some point. Not right away, but it will happen.
They do look like portal colors!
Hamana hamana hamana.
Getting the clear with black rings yep
I am surprised no one posted the pics of the new colors for the Benchmark series. Saw this on OneDrop’s Facebook feed today!
clear ano !!!
They listened to me !! WOOOOOOT
they really move fast
Half-clear, half-orange Benchmark O. That’d be a sweet throw.