One Drop YoYos Factory Tour Today

Sad I couldn’t make it, but hopefully someone out there is going to take some photos / document it :slight_smile: Feel free to post about it here if you do.



Nothing against OneDrop, but Factory creates a mental picture of hundreds of people machining and anodizing yo-yo’s feverishly.

Maybe in China.


Oh man, I’m extremely jealous of anyone who gets to tour their operation. My dad was a machinist my entire life, I loved visiting him at work, it was incredible.

One Drop is one of, if not my favorite, so this would be a dream trip to make.


I’m sorry your mind goes to that lol. It’s literally a few people (original members of the team like JT Nickel) in a small shop helping to crafting yoyos with Shawn and David.. it couldn’t be farther from a china throw or a china sweat shop lmao.. which is what 99% of the other companies out there that you are throwing are actually coming out of.. :rofl: I hear you though I guess it’s just tough to know what to call it when you do it all. Not really a shop, not really just a warehouse yk ? what should it be called ?

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Yes, I would think shop. I just thought factory was sort of overkill. OneDrop’s shop is a cool tour for sure.

One drop shop is actually what they used to call it ! haha but it seemed more just like the store front was actually open for people to kinda always come in if they wanted, not so much the production and inside of things. Agreed tho one drop shop has a ring to it.

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