One Drop Yo-Yos Marquis {Merged}

Pink and Clear for me!

Thunderstorm and Broken Heart!

So jealous rn. I wanted a Ayame. Wanna trade? xD

Lol I’m sorry, I really like this one!

Green. Not my first pick but it’s really growing on me



You could not buy crazy amounts from the same retailer if there was a limit of two per purchase. You could still very well get eight but the chances would be much slimmer. It would help to have a limit, regardless of what anybody says it would help. People that bought crazy numbers of marquis kind of ruined it for the rest of us. You can sugarcoat it if you want to but that’s the truth. Im glad you got your four or fourty , however many you got. If thats what makes you happy im happy for you. It would’ve been a cool idea if there was a limit. If one person can buy 10 or twenty, what’s the point? Thats not on One Drop, One Drop is a great company and I’m glad it was financially successful for them. I’m pretty sure its people who can afford to go buy a titanium but will never have enough to make them happy so they bought eight marquis for the hell of it.

Clear ;D

Retailers have reported that most sales were singles.

Those look great! :slight_smile:

Pink :thinking: Not my favorite color at all, but I do like the way the Marquis plays!

I like how the Marquis feels so far, but (and I’m still fairly new, under a year of throwing) it is so much less forgiving than my Urban and Railgun. Tricks I could nail easily on the Urban are giving me all kinds of tilt issues on the Marquis. Guess I need to go back to fundamentals and figure out where my throw is going wrong *sigh(

There ya go(Green)

Anybody interested in a trade? Would like anything other that yellow or pink

It’s much thinner than you are used to probably, so you are just building accuracy will using it! :slight_smile: it’s a great benefit of thin yoyos! :slight_smile:

Its not really that I’m having trouble hitting the string, its that, for instance, I’ll be doing the man on the flying trapeze and his brother, and I’ll get through the first two motions, and when I go to the last one, as soon as it lands on the string it tilts and spins out. I don’t know if its my throw, not being used to a flat bearing, or what.

Oops didn’t read the whole post… Lol :wink:

I got pink!

This was the only one I didn’t really want, but its kind of growing on me. I’m loving it.

This is probably blasphemous, but I swapped the bearing w the one in my first base and now I’m REALLY digging it.

The centering bearing probably helps you out.

Probably. I always used one on my popstar and thought it seemed to help.

If anyone wants to trade their marquis and is looking for a pulse fire or gradient, pm me :wink: