One Drop Yo-Yos Markmont. Classic

Didn’t even realise they were dropping yet. At any rate, I’m not in any rush so I’ll keep an eye out for future runs of nickel. :slight_smile:

Anyone hear if YoYoExpert received their shipment today? Or if they received any updates on them?

Been waiting for this yoyo to release for so long, feels kind of surreal to have actually ordered it ;D

UPDATE! We have finally sorted out the re-routing issue with the postal service. They should be in our hands tomorrow (and SHIPPING!) We are prepared to get them all out the door as soon as we have them in hand!

Thanks for everyone’s patience and support!

  • André

That’s great news! Thanks for the update Andre!

Get Ready!

Markmont. Classic Pre-Orders will be Shipping Out Today!


Really can’t believe the number of blue ones left. I thought everything would be gone within a day.

I’ve been toying with ordering one of the blue ones all day! Real tempted, but it’d leave me thin when other yoyo’s come out in the next month.

What to do, what to do…

I love how in that picture above that all of the Special Editions are facing the same way except for one. :smiley:

The blue looks great, I don’t understand why it’s the last one in stock ???

the blue is dope, but youre either into black/ silver, or your into color, and if youre into color the mustard was a no brainer. i have one on the way to my house right now.

Blue is a very gorgeous color…

I Love Mine. :wink:
Though I do plan on buying a Black version as well.

I scored a Nickel Collectors as well, also saw 7 in stock right when I refreshed and 0 as soon as I checked out!! Can’t wait to get this thing, supposed to arrive Monday! Also scored a Gold Center Track for mine :slight_smile:

You know how good the Classic is? One Drop sent me one for the Museum, and I loved it so much I had to buy another one. Nickel Collectors edition will be here Monday :slight_smile:

I think there is now actually another yoyo that is more hyped then CLYW, hype that I’m sure is justified. ;D

Nickel halves waiting for the Sprite to go flat so they can take their bath:


Took that first picture earlier. I got impatient and put the halves in anyways. After a couple hours with bubbles clinging to the surface of the halves, a patina has started forming. The bubbles created a, well, bubbly pattern as seen here:

I had seen traces of this on my Markmont. Next when I did this, so I figured the effect might be kind of cool, which is why I ended up not waiting for the Sprite to be completely flat. I actually really like it, especially if the effect stays as everything darkens up now that the sprite is truly flat and I’ve wiped the bubbles off.

Edit 2: Also, when I first opened my nickel classic when it arrived, I was slightly worried that YYE had accidentally shipped me a clear version, because I thought that there was no way a nickel plated version could have such a smooth, matte finish. These early signs of patina forming in the Sprite confirm that it’s actually in fact a nickel version (not that I doubted YYE…I was just pleasantly surprised at how OD got a nickel plating to grind so nicely). OD really did an awesome job blasting (or whatever you guys did) these things, the finish is absolutely awesome.

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Just got my nickel markmont.classic on Monday, unfortunately haven’t had much time to play with it, but really like it so far. This is my first nickel yoyo and I’m unfamiliar with what you’re doing here. Could you explain what exactly putting your nickel halves in flat sprite does? ???

Nickel will naturally tarnish over time, giving it a really nice patina finish. Some people prefer to chemically accelerate the process (in this case using flat Sprite). I’m going to let mine patina naturally as it’s my first nickel yo-yo.

Chimera is correct. Nickel will naturally tarnish. When the Markmont. Next came out, they released a limited run of “Obsidian” Nexts, which were essentially regular nickel versions that had been chemically patina’d, giving them a dark black appearance that would take ages to accomplish through regular play. Basically, any acidic solution will accelerate the patina process; the oils from your hands will slowly add a patina, but something like pop is much more aggressive, and can significantly darken the nickel in 24-48 hours. I am using Sprite because it’s clear and I can closely watch how dark it is getting.

I really liked how the obsidian Next looked, so I did this to a regular Next that I picked up. I liked it so much that I decided to do it to my nickel Classic as well.

Of course, this is completely optional and not something that nickel throws require, it’s just something that I chose to do because I like the way it looks. If anybody else decides to try this, I’m not responsible if they’re not happy with how it turns out, haha.

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Oh ok, that makes sense. I was just curious as I haven’t heard of this before and I’m not too familiar with nickel plated yoyos in general. I’d be curious to see what it looks like after yours is finished, so post some pics! Thanks for the explanation.

Doesn’t the tarnish eat away the nickel? :flushed: