Mark Montgomery is at it again with his latest signature yo-yo from One Drop, the MarkMont. Classic. In the yo-yo industry we hear a lot about “hype”. How all these different companies, or yo-yos, have hype, don’t live up to the hype, are under hyped, over hyped… you get the idea. Mark decided to take the reigns on promoting this yo-yo and did the biggest, craziest, most absurd tongue in cheek hype campaign I have ever seen for a yo-yo. He started off innocent enough with animations of a yo-yo in action with the hash tag #markmontclassic. Next came posts about yo-yos that have had a big impact on the industry. These posts started out sounding like a general history lesson but switch to more poignant posts about yo-yos that influenced him in positive or negative ways during his yo-yo career and those that helped him find what he was looking for in his latest release. Then the comedy started to shine through with the Onedropyoyos Markmont. Classic User Reviews, this crazy who’s who video of professionals giving their review of this upcoming throw… I have no words to describe it, just click on the embedded link and watch the video. All of this led up to the big reveal of the MarkMont. Classic (MC for short) at the end of August. Since then there have been official product shots, box shots, and some contests appearances for a yo-yo that will not officially drop until October 30, 2014. After everything is said and done, I have enjoyed watching the promotion of this yo-yo unfold. It had some fun moments and kept everyone interested in the product, but at the end of the day the promotion means nothing unless the yo-yo is as good, if not better, than the promotion leading up to it.