ON HOLD. May remove. Please stand by

I don’t have a Honda. But I am full of sales due to poor financial decisions spurred by the holidays (oh my goodness, it’s all terrible). And I’m passing the savings on to you!

This bundle is obo, so don’t be afraid to shoot an offer my way. I’ll ship anywhere in the continental US. USPS Priority.

My feedback: JSERR feedback

YYF KO: got it, not a fan. Brand new. FREE WITH G2.

G2 Loadout Unicorn Storm: LOVE THIS. Breaks my soul to move it. But I NEED some cash. Glassy smooth comes with box and pin. $95 bundled with the KO!


Might we need a bump? I believe I do.

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Wanna see me post a bump? Wanna see me do it again?

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If I was not literally in the same position, I’d be all over this!

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The holidays are rough. Fingers crossed for everyone haha.

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I haven’t a care for the KO but that unicorn storm loadout is purdy