Sold out. Thank you all! I hope you enjoy these as much as I have

Times are tough. I have to make decisions. These decisions hurt. Here we go!

Always open for negotiation. I’ll ship anywhere in the continental US. USPS Priority.


Alchemik Tyrant: this is going to kick me in the teeth, I’m gonna regret this, but I can almost see a light at the end of the tunnel and maybe this will help me when I look right into it and blind myself. Good shape. Some raw ti scratching going on. Very solid, touch of nail vibe (but honestly still very smooth). $300 SOLD SOLD SOLD

My feedback: JSERR feedback

SOLD SOLD YYF KO: got it, not a fan. Brand new. FREE WITH G2. SOLD SOLD

SOLD SOLD G2 Loadout Unicorn Storm: LOVE THIS. Breaks my soul to move it. But I NEED some cash. Glassy smooth comes with box and pin. $95 bundled with the KO! SOLD SOLD

OD 52 Gen 2: SOLD SOLD

OD Parlay with custom ano job. Fun ano. Fun yo-yo. Hint of nail vibe and some battle scars. Not another like it. $55 SOLD SOLD

YYF Tiny. Super cool mini ti. No marks. Smooth. $110. SOLD SOLD


Might we need a bump? I believe I do.

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Wanna see me post a bump? Wanna see me do it again?

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If I was not literally in the same position, I’d be all over this!

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The holidays are rough. Fingers crossed for everyone haha.

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I haven’t a care for the KO but that unicorn storm loadout is purdy

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We bump another day. Added goodies.

Lots pending. Tiny still available. Bump it up!

I’ll take it :wave:t3:

Who wants a bump? I would, but who else?

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