I know, I know - you read these recommendation threads and you’re like “seriously? Just buy the yoyo you want. Do some research, then buy the one that looks the best. Why is that so hard?” I don’t know why it’s so hard, but I wanted some advice from the yoyoexperts:
Code 2 v. Dietz v. Cupcake. Which one would you get and why?
The tricky part will be finding someone who knows all three of those well enough to give you a real recommendation; also, if you’ve seen a million of these already, you know that people are going to ask what your preferences are…!
Between the Code 2 and Dietz, I would get the Dietz… because I’ve never played one. Seriously, though… Dietz is an undersized that’s apparently pretty nimble, and Code 2 is a full-sized and to me feels “deliberate” (on the slower side). Surely that’s a good starting point for eliminating one or the other?
At this point in my throwing career, it’s hard to say what my preferences are. I do have small hands, so I think I prefer something that’s a little undersized, which is obviously a point in Dietz’s favor.
I have the code 2, dietz, and soon to be a cupcake.
I would say code 2, but that’s because I like full sized yoyo’s. if you are an undersized kind of guy, get the dietz! It is the best undersized in my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I decided that I wanted to try something a little more full-sized, and I ended up going with a Code 2. I’ll let you know my thoughts.
10 balls doesn’t equal more spin time. Usually 10 balls means smoother and quieter. Some people who don’t give a hoot about that stuff still prefer 8-ball bearings.
Regarding Center Tracs, there’s no need for a body of proof…though I suspect Crucial, Dif-e-Yo, and other makers of centering bearings did some research and testing before issuing and marketing their product. Regardless, the physics are self-evident that keeping a string away from the sidewalls will (ALL other things being equal) reduce friction and therefore increase spin time.
Whether the tradeoff for OTHER performance factors is important to you is another story. In other words, they will also bind differently, layer differently, etc. And some people don’t like them for that reason.