Oh no, my yoyo has a bad vibe!

Really? I don’t think so. I think too many people worry about vibes and I just wanted to post something about it to see if any one else agrees with me.

I see the word vibe, going around on all posts etc, but mostly on b/s/t’s and some bad reviews. I have had trades go bad because people would ask if my throw had a vibe and I said yes it does when you have a bad throw… i am not perfect, and don’t have perfect throws every single time, so thats what I meant. But apparently there are some out there that have “vibes” on good throws too.

Anyways, on another trade (actually this happened to me like 5 times by now) I was asking questions about a throw and the guy says, sometimes this has a bad vibe, and I am like yeah ok just ship.

I have had about 4 or 5 bad “vibes” throws from b/s/t, and all I did was change the BEARING and all of them were smooth etc, no “vibes”

so maybe if your throw has a vibe, just swap the bearing? No, I am sure there are other solutions also and some of it probably comes from the person throwing it.

If i can take 5 bad “vibe” throws and make it smooth again or “vibe free” then I am sure it really isn’t a problem lol.

but I know there will be others who’s “vibe” issues won’t be solved by simply replacing their bearings with a general yo AIGR or 10 ball, in that case … Oh no, my yoyo has a bad vibe! ;D


Well sometimes axle is crooked weight is off and etc. but wrap teflon tape around the axle to tune it and wrap throw and repeat until you have the perfect amount and it doesn’t vibe. I personally could care less if a yoyo vibes like mad, WHO CARES! It does not have a big effect on it. I make a trade whether a yoyo has vibe or not. It spins and spins long enough so why does vibe matter?


Totally agree and i forgot to mention the axle, i replaced an axle once and that fixed the “vibe” lol (another solution to your vibe problems) thanks for the teflon tape tip :slight_smile:

I have a question on protostar vibes, I own two protostars( gonna get another two) . When I first bought my protostar they were dead smooth, but after the first time I screwed them open, they started to have vibe. A little vibe is ok but one of them vibrates like a crazy dollar store product. Sometimes adjusting the axel helps but when I screw then open to take out a knot or something, the vibe starts again. The axel and bearing is ok, do protostars just tend to behave like this?

I talked to paul han while he was touring china and guess what he said, he enjoys vibe. I guess we modern throwers just gotten into the habit of being too picky.

I like Yoyos because of their shape, weight and weight distribution not smoothness. That’s why I love protostars but regretted buying my 888x.

The protostar is a cheap, loud, and vibey throw. It tends to be you can deal with it or go through the work of tuning it. I don’t mind my protostar’s vibes thopugh

Does both of your protostars do this? I had a protostar and i unscrewed them all the time and had no “vibe” issues at all, I also read that some people try not to unscrew their throw because they are afraid of it having vibes, I have never had problems unscrewing them and having vibes. If you are careful about not over tightening it then there should be no problem. Maybe there is something specifically wrong with your protostar? Mine was great and thats all i can say from my experience. Maybe someone else here can help you fix that issue.

that is exactly the point i was trying to make ;D

I think this can be narrowed down to something. I personally dislike vibe, and I have quite a few yoyos that I notice vibe in. I think the real issue is that some people are more sensitive to vibe than others. For example, I’ve gotten multiple yoyos off of the BST that people have described as smooth, or even dead smooth, and then when I got them, they had a noticeable amount of vibe. Different people feel different things.

I love vibe, kids who dislike it sell me their yoyos for almost nothing. Gota’ love getting a 120$ for 30$ because it “vibes” lol Good stuff, Please don’t discourage this its the only way I can get newer throws.


I could care less about vibe. As long as the yoyo works I’m good with it.

I won’t discourage if you can tell me where i can get a hold of those kids with vibey throws ( i really need some vibey throws) lol

Vibes: Nothing a good hammer can’t fix.

Vibe can also come from the bearing. I can throw perfectly where the string is always in the center, but some of my yoyos still have a pretty bad vibe. I still don’t understand how when a yoyo is spinning perfectly but gives off a horrible vibe. I also sometimes find that a yoyo without the slightest vibe is a bit boring, but too much vibe can affect spin times.

Just one of my protostars vibe( I dont use it much not because of the vibe but it’s many due to the worn down response). The other good protostar is my main throw. Gosh I wish they sell CBC pads in stores near my place. Chinese people are poor, protostars are expensive when compared to throws purely designed and made in china. I cant give up on my protostar just for some freakin vibe. I learned to respect vibe from my vibrating protostar. Your cellphone’s vibe tells you there’s a call, your Yoyos vibe tells you that there’s no spin time left. But the spacers in protostars should be redesigned, they always get stuck on the sides of the bearing and are impossible to remove without damaging them. This is where the solid spin axel comes in handy( frigin patents, they prevent perfect plastic from being created)

My protostar doesnt vibe much at all unless I have a bad throw. And could you sili it?

This is why I make a concious choice NOT to unscrew any of my yoyos unless I really need to like applying silicone. Most of my yoyos are still unscrewed because the only maintenance I had to do is changing string.

But I don’t care about vibe at all. I’d rather focus on my tricks and progress than blaming the yoyo why I suck so much.

Regarding the protostar…

This is a precise piece of equipment, hand tested prior to shipping to guarantee precision… but as soon as i gets into a players hands it is up to them to maintain this precision. The fit between spacers and the plastic body is critical and if this area is damaged during the assembly/dismantling of the yoyo the precision may be compromised and the result is vibe.

To reduce the risk of this occurring: Take Care when assembling or taking your yoyo apart. Don’t get creative and start swapping parts over for fun. Experiment on something else. Minimizing the number of times the yoyo is taken apart is a great idea on any yoyo, even aluminum as the fits will change with wear. This isn’t to say taking it apart will cause any damage, just show some care and respect for the way it came stock.

Follow this advice and you will have a long smooth spinning yoyo for a long time.

If it vibes, Get over it and play.
If it wobbles, get over it and play.
If it vibes like the old buzzon wobble factors so much that it turns into a sphere during play. Troll people with it and play.

Simple as that.


If im not supposed to take my Yoyos apart, then why make them take apart designs!?!?

And in addition, what should I do if the bearing breaks down? One spacer is stuck on the bearing and the other is stuck in the yoyo and is also stuck on the bearing. The new spacers are made of softer metal than the old ones, any ideas on how to change a protostars bearing without having to damage the spacers? I dont want to buy new spacers just for a bearing change. And if the axel breaks what then? Whenever a protostars axel is adjusted there’s vibe. Some of my friends even goes as far as to say protostars are designed to have a small amount of vibe and vibe is fun.

Don’t worry about it too much I’ve unscrewed my ProtoStar plenty of times even overtightened it once and it still plays fine.

Vibe is something to expect when talking about plastics I say just yoyo.

I like my protostar. I’ve taken it apart many times(I suck, knots suck, gotta take it apart to remove knots, it sucks!). It ain’t any more vibey than what my crappy throw makes it vibe. And sometimes I get that magic perfect throw and the Protostar is smooth as a baby’s butt! Line up the arrows and throw!!

I also have a tool I use to help pick the knots out for the reasons yoyofactoryben said: reduce the number of times you have to take the yoyo apart. however, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Regarding someone who said the protostar is loud, cheap vibey throw:
Yes, it’s cheap. It out performs some metals. Gotta love it!
Loud? OK, got me there. Mine is loud. I ain’t gonna stop throwing it.
Vibey? Mine isn’t.

Ahem. Warming up the fingers…(brace for it!)

What’s the obsession with vibe? If we really want to get ultra snotty and uppity about vibe, why no do this: Put a measurement pattern on the rim of your yoyo and shoot it using an ultra HD camera at super high speed(200fps or better, 10K fps would be fine too if you can afford it) and we’ll just see how much or little vibe all these so called “vibe free yoyos” have. You’ll be quite shocked at how much vibe that vibe free yoyo has.

The reality is, vibe happens. I can get my ONE spinning as smooth as my CLYW’s, OD’s or Phenom. It’s ALL about the throw. But, guess what? They will ALL still vibe.

We’re taking TWO halves of an object, which the odds are they are not PERFECT down to the billionth of a millimeter and may have weight differences that are off in the millionths of a gram. So, two “identical halves” are not in fact identical. Then we’re adding a threaded object called an axle in there, and no offense, but these are inexpensive parts made in massive quantities. While they are fairly consistent, there’s always potential for variation and areas where the metal may not be as uniform. Now we’re gonna stick a ball bearing in there, and we better hope those ball bearings, the races, cages, grooves, tracks and inner and outer rings are measured to be PERFECT and BALANCED with absolutely ZERO room for error. And even assuming everything else is perfect, well, then we introduce the human being into the equation and it’s like “why even bother…” We are NOT perfect. WE are NOT machines. We are not going to be that dead on consistent, even the BEST of us. Well, the best of us are way more consistent, but not in all aspects of the throw. It’s gonna vibe. Deal with it, accept it.

If it wobbles, your throw sucks. Bad. Practice more, work on it. Get better.
If it vibes a lot, work on your throw more.
If it vibes a little, then get over it and keep playing.

I’m at the point with my throw where wobbles are pretty much no longer an issue. Vibe is getting less and less, which tells me my throws are getting more consistent. Sure I still have vibe, I don’t care. If I obsessed over vibe, I wouldn’t be able to play.

I swear, too many people obsess over vibe like they have a personality disorder or an OCD.

Get back to throwing, doing tricks and having fun. Vibe happens. Just PLAY! Time spent whining is time not spent throwing. Tears don’t fix vibe issues, PRACTICE does.

I’m gonna go find my most vibey yoyo and play it all day. Why? Because it’s a yoyo and it’s meant to be played. And you know what? I’m gonna love every last second of it today! Good trick, bad trick I don’t care. Spin outs, bad binds, whatever. I don’t care. I’m gonna throw, I’m gonna have fun and I’m gonna be happy. And if it vibes, I’m not gonna care because I’m having too much fun playing with the yoyo to waste time giving a crap about vibe!

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