I like my protostar. I’ve taken it apart many times(I suck, knots suck, gotta take it apart to remove knots, it sucks!). It ain’t any more vibey than what my crappy throw makes it vibe. And sometimes I get that magic perfect throw and the Protostar is smooth as a baby’s butt! Line up the arrows and throw!!
I also have a tool I use to help pick the knots out for the reasons yoyofactoryben said: reduce the number of times you have to take the yoyo apart. however, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Regarding someone who said the protostar is loud, cheap vibey throw:
Yes, it’s cheap. It out performs some metals. Gotta love it!
Loud? OK, got me there. Mine is loud. I ain’t gonna stop throwing it.
Vibey? Mine isn’t.
Ahem. Warming up the fingers…(brace for it!)
What’s the obsession with vibe? If we really want to get ultra snotty and uppity about vibe, why no do this: Put a measurement pattern on the rim of your yoyo and shoot it using an ultra HD camera at super high speed(200fps or better, 10K fps would be fine too if you can afford it) and we’ll just see how much or little vibe all these so called “vibe free yoyos” have. You’ll be quite shocked at how much vibe that vibe free yoyo has.
The reality is, vibe happens. I can get my ONE spinning as smooth as my CLYW’s, OD’s or Phenom. It’s ALL about the throw. But, guess what? They will ALL still vibe.
We’re taking TWO halves of an object, which the odds are they are not PERFECT down to the billionth of a millimeter and may have weight differences that are off in the millionths of a gram. So, two “identical halves” are not in fact identical. Then we’re adding a threaded object called an axle in there, and no offense, but these are inexpensive parts made in massive quantities. While they are fairly consistent, there’s always potential for variation and areas where the metal may not be as uniform. Now we’re gonna stick a ball bearing in there, and we better hope those ball bearings, the races, cages, grooves, tracks and inner and outer rings are measured to be PERFECT and BALANCED with absolutely ZERO room for error. And even assuming everything else is perfect, well, then we introduce the human being into the equation and it’s like “why even bother…” We are NOT perfect. WE are NOT machines. We are not going to be that dead on consistent, even the BEST of us. Well, the best of us are way more consistent, but not in all aspects of the throw. It’s gonna vibe. Deal with it, accept it.
If it wobbles, your throw sucks. Bad. Practice more, work on it. Get better.
If it vibes a lot, work on your throw more.
If it vibes a little, then get over it and keep playing.
I’m at the point with my throw where wobbles are pretty much no longer an issue. Vibe is getting less and less, which tells me my throws are getting more consistent. Sure I still have vibe, I don’t care. If I obsessed over vibe, I wouldn’t be able to play.
I swear, too many people obsess over vibe like they have a personality disorder or an OCD.
Get back to throwing, doing tricks and having fun. Vibe happens. Just PLAY! Time spent whining is time not spent throwing. Tears don’t fix vibe issues, PRACTICE does.
I’m gonna go find my most vibey yoyo and play it all day. Why? Because it’s a yoyo and it’s meant to be played. And you know what? I’m gonna love every last second of it today! Good trick, bad trick I don’t care. Spin outs, bad binds, whatever. I don’t care. I’m gonna throw, I’m gonna have fun and I’m gonna be happy. And if it vibes, I’m not gonna care because I’m having too much fun playing with the yoyo to waste time giving a crap about vibe!