OH my string...

How many of you guys actually pick the complicated knots on your string? Or do you just take it out and replace it with a new string? For me if it’s not that hard to pick then ill do it but if its too hard i just replace it.


It depends for me. If it’s a big knot and I’m using YYN Highlites I’ll just replace. If it’s a big knot and I’m using G-string or Gatorfloss I wouldn’t replace it, I mean the G-string I’m using in my P2 has been in there for months, they last THAT long.

wow i should get me sum g string

I actually keep my thumb and middle fingernails a bit longer for the sole purpose of getting knots out of my strings. I’ve never replaced a string do to a simple knot ;D

I almoast always pick it out. I have only replaced it once and it was ridiculously tangeled and my hands were covered in bandages (got cut from gathering gemstones in aderondacks) so i couldnt untie it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve already been using my ALchemy string for like 3 days now. Still feels new.

gatorfloss is almost impossible to knot and keep knotted…i swear its invincible

I unknot all of them and change my string when I feel like they are going to break on the next throw.

i usually untie all knots. With alchemy string it isnt difficult, and alchemy usually lasts me at least a week or two of hard use, so it’s worth untieing. If it’s cotton string or even slick, I’ll usually just replace it if theres a narly knot, it’s harder to untie. If the knot is small and close enough to my throw hand I might just leave it there out of laziness.

It doesnt matter what string it is i always take out the knot, unless i physically cant get it out.

are you using PX gstring?

Same here… In my case I have a letter opener that has a blade and a little plastic point… And I use it to cut my string and pick knots…

I ALWAYS have my leatherman in my case so if i cant get it out with my fingers ill use the pliers to take it out.

Ive only got highlighs as strings so depending on how lazy im feeling I might replace it or undo the knot