I want to begin 4A yo-yo play, and I don’t know where to start. First, what yo-yo should I get. Also, any other tips on how to learn.
Grab a cheap yoyofactory 4A yoyo.
Roll it up. Throw a forward pass higher than you normally would and put your other finger out so the string hits the underside of your finger and the yoyo pops in the air.
When it comes down, I hold the string in front of me where the string up and down aligns with my nose so so when I see the yoyo coming down I line up completely even underneath it and land it on the string.
Videos of me goofing off. YouTube for great tutorials.
Don’t hurt yourself like I did in the third video, lol
I recommend some of these yoyos for 4A:
Cheap options:
When you have decided to dedicate quite a bit of time to 4A:
When you’re going to only play 4A and nothing else and want to compete:
This is a really weird list of yoyos. Getting a high end bi-material 4A yoyo is also not a great idea unless you’re already very good and know exactly what you want.
Picking a 4A yoyo is a lot like picking a 1A yoyo in that there’s so many different ones to choose from that will play radically different. Does your preferred playstyle emphasize tech mounts, regens, or zoning with lots body elements. Different yo-yos will excel at different things and there’s no “one size fits all” best option to recommend. When you play for a while you’ll be able to figure out what you want out of a 4A yoyo. Sure you can do a bit of everything on any yoyo, but just a blanket list of recommendations with nothing to go off of isn’t particularly helpful imo.
Just grab any cheap 4A yoyo like the Yoyofactory Flight or Duncan Skyhawk if you’re unsure about being very committed to the style. Anything in that price range will be fine. Higher price does kind of directly correlate to better performance more than with 1A yo-yos though, but if you struggle with the basics of 4A, a nicer yoyo won’t make 4A any easier to learn.
If you absolutely know you’re determined to play 4A, getting anything made out of POM in the 40-60 dollar range will be well worth the extra money. I wouldn’t spend above 70 dollars on a first 4A yoyo though, but if you can afford it nobody is going to stop you if you look at something like the Aut(OS)copy and think “wow this yoyo is so cool it makes me want to get good at 4A with it”. Absolutely do not buy a high end bi-material yoyo though, those are the only ones you’d have to worry about not being able to withstand constant drops and abuse.
As far as tutorials are concerned, the yotricks series on youtube is a good starting point, and the Japan Technology youtube channel is even better if you’re comfortable following tutorials purely visually (assuming there’s a language barrier for you.)
4A is in my opinion one of the easier alternate styles to get into and feel like you’re really playing the style properly. So if you feel like this is more than just a passing interest, definitely get one in the 40-60 dollar range. C3yoyodesign Contrail and Japan Technology Amulette would be my two choices to recommend based purely on my own personal preferences. Your preferences may differ though, so that’s why I’m just recommending a price range.
Yea that’s why I split it up into the amount of commitment that he is willing to put into playing 4A. You’ll really only get the Jet Set EX if you’re really serious about playing 4A and want to compete and want something to really make your life easier. The Jet Set series is one of the most popular series for 4A competitors as well, so it’s not a bad choice.
Perhaps I should have been more clear in that final category.
I looked at the at the yyf flight before and I think that is the one I will get to start with. Thanks for your help.
Great first choice. You really cant go wrong nowadays to start. Back in the 2010 era people were crushing offsteing with freehand zeros.
Heres an amazing begginer tut video list
4a is the most fun IMO and i am very bad. But the MOST fun enjoy