Official YoYoExpert Forum Contest! - Finished.

I’ve seen the results… :wink:

oh come on!! take it easy… we’re not pm-ing the judges or badgering them…or sending them emails… or showing up at their front doors…or stalking them with placards around our necks that say"We want the results"…
I don’t think that this thread is even being watched by any of the judges so our comments would have no effect on the time it takes to judge 90 mins of video… ;D ;D

How if not all judges are done yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

My personal message to all the judges:


I couldn’t agree with you more my friend.

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I saw Paul looking through the videos I think, when he was on the live cam ;D

I don’t know if I could handle being watched all day like that. I went onto the OD live cam the other day and watching Paul work made me feel like a peeping tom. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gambit what was your personal favorite of all the videos? It doesn’t have to be what the judges picked just which did you like and why?

isn’t gambit a judge?

I don’t think he should answer that.

wait is he? I thought it was just other people

I’m pretty sure that’s what he said in his video. Him, and a few others he had chosen to help him out.

Ok well don’t tell us then Gambit I don’t want the result’s being spoiled

I’ll rewatch the video and let you know… But I’m pretty sure.

and I agree, we all should just wait it out patiently and it will be like Christmas morning when the results come out. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind, but I would always be wondering if viewers would be trying to talk to me but there was no way I could always keep track :slight_smile:

I just thought of something… People could easily use their facebook, twitter, and IG to get people to sign up on here and have them vote for their video to win peoples champion. Than it would become more of a popularity contest over who gave an honest and truthful answer to “Why do you yoyo?”
How are we going to be able to truly decide the 3rd place winner, when they can just have their friends sign up and make them vote for their video… Just doesn’t seem right. or Fair. There are lots of people on here who have tons of followers on their FB, IG, and YT. which they can just ask them to sign up here and vote for their video to win.

I don’t think this is going to happen in big enough bulk to affect the results, but if it does, that person will have to live with the fact that they cheated to win a contest lol. Plus, if someone was caught doing this, they won’t be looked at the same at contests or meet ups. It’s really their loss. Throwers don’t take kindly to people trying to cheat the system (look at all the threads talking bad about alex kim as an example).

There are people who don’t really care of what they do, which is why they do it in the first place. Hopefully this isn’t going to be a problem.

I really hope this doesn’t become a problem either. Which is why I brought it up. In hopes it would be taken care of.

I thought only the ones who entered will be able to vote.